text(3,0.1,'{\fontsize{15}\leftarrow这个地方好陡峭}');%%加网格 grid on;%应用分格线(网格)set(gca,'xtick',[0:0.5:7]) ; % 修改网格间隔。获得gca句柄(坐标轴的句柄),设置xtick(x轴网格)从0~7,间隔是0.5set(gca,'ytick',[-1;-0.6;0;0.6;1]); %固定网格线%%加图例(完全可以用图形化...
ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z');grid; 运行结果 实例2 程序 clc; clear all; close all; t = 0:pi/1000:pi; X(1,:) = sin(t).*cos(10*t); X(2,:) = sin(t).*cos(12*t); X(3,:) = sin(t).*cos(20*t); Y(1,:) = sin(t).*sin(10*t); Y(2,:) = sin(t).*sin(12*...
例如,legend('Series 1', 'Series 2')。 网格线(Grid Lines):使用 grid on 或grid off 命令可以显示或隐藏网格线。 轴范围(Axis Limits):使用 xlim 和ylim 函数可以设置坐标轴的范围。例如,xlim([0, 10]) 和ylim([0, 1])。 数据点标记(Data Points Marker):使用 plot(x, y, 'o') 可以将数据点...
Syntax h = plotGrid(eeObj) h = plotGrid(eeObj,Name=Value)Description h = plotGrid(eeObj) plots the parameter grid and radial or chain points used to compute elementary effects. A dotted line between two points in the grid shows that an elementary effect between those two points was ...
grid on (/off) 给当前图形标记添加(取消)网络 xlabel(‘string’)标记横坐标 ylabel(‘string’)标记纵坐标 title(‘string’)给图形添加标题 text(x,y,’string’)在图形的任意位置增加说明性文本信息 gtext(‘string’)利用鼠标添加说明性文本信息
[xmin xmax ymin ymax]); 设置坐标轴在指定的区间% 设置图字体和字体大小set(gca,'FontName','楷体','FontSize',14)%设置坐标轴刻度字体名称,大小%打开网格线gridon;%全部网格% set(gca,'XGrid','on');%仅X轴网格% set(gca,'YGrid','on');%仅Y轴网格% 轴设为正方形(无论怎么拉伸或最大化...
>> grid%网格 >> xlabel(‘Independent Variable X’)%x轴标记 >> ylabel(‘Dependent Variables Y and Z’)%y轴标记 >> title(‘Sine and Cosine Curves’)%标题 也可以在图形的任何位置加上一个字符串,如用: >> text(2.5,0.7,’sinx’)
grid on; 运行结果 : 二、2D 与 3D 关联 2D 的图本质上是 z 轴的元素都为 0 的 3D 图 ; 二维绘图代码示例 : 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 %生成一个向量0~2*pi,步长0.1x=0:0.1:2*pi;%绘制二维线图plot(x,sin(x)); ...
While other methods make gridline-registered grids that can be plotted using e.g. Mtlab surf function, this function makes a pixel registered grid and uses the Matlab patch function to display the grid. 인용 양식 Mohammad Ali (2025). Grid plot (https://www.mathworks.com/matlab...
Syntax h = plotGrid(eeObj) h = plotGrid(eeObj,Name=Value)Description h = plotGrid(eeObj) plots the parameter grid and radial or chain points used to compute elementary effects. A dotted line between two points in the grid shows that an elementary effect between those two points was ...