(gca,'YLabel'),'FontSize', 12); % 设置Y轴数字大小 title('脊柱位置曲线', 'Fontsize', 20, 'fontname', '宋体') legend('sin x','cos x','Fontsize',12,'Location','southeast','fontname','Times'); legend('boxoff'); % 关闭图例外框 grid on; % 网格打开 box off; % 关闭图外框 ...
plot(x,y,"LineWidth",2,"LineStyle","--","Color",[0.1,0.2,0.3]) % 横坐标为x,纵坐标为y,线宽为2,线型为--,指定颜色的折线图 plot(x,y1,x,y2,'--',x,y3,':') % 分组绘制多折线图,并分别指定线型 plot(x,y,'-o','MarkerIndices',1:5:length(y)) % 设置线型,并设置显示的标记数量...
一、题目 (1) 读取附件1 sd.xlsx,以相邻两列数据绘制散点图并标注;以第 1,2,4 列数据绘制空...
三、参数方程曲线绘制 参数方程曲线通过两个参数方程定义,可以使用函数句柄形式,通过plot或fplot函数进行绘制,如螺旋线等。四、绘图辅助操作 图形标注:使用title、xlabel、ylabel、text、gtext、legend等函数进行图形标注,提高图形的可读性和信息量。 坐标控制:使用axis、grid、box、hold等函数进行坐标控制...
sol.itr.xx; t = xx(1); disp(sprintf('Robust optimal value: %5.4f',t)); x = max(xx(2:1+n),zeros(n,1)); if draw == true % Display the solution plot([1:1:n],x,'-m'); grid on; disp('Press <Enter> to run simulations'); pause % Run simulations Nsim = 10000; out...
is it possible to turn of the grid of a surface plot, but keep the edge on? If I do this, I have no grid and no edge: Z1 = (0.5 .*(a1.*exp(-b1.*X1)+ e1.*exp(-f1.*X1))-c1.*exp(-d1.*X1)).*Y1.^2 +0.5.*(a1.*exp(-b1.*X1)-e1.*ex...
plot3Dmeshgrid:plot3Dmeshgrid(X,Y,Z) 绘制由函数 [Xgrid,Ygrid,Zgrid] = meshgrid(X,Y,Z) 返回的 3D 网格-matlab开发Br**勇敢 上传 matlab 绘制一个 3 维网格,表示函数 meshgrid(X,Y,Z) 返回的网格,其中 X、Y 和 Z 表示 3 轴方向中的每一个方向的步长...
Create a 2-D plot and display the grid lines only in theydirection. y = rand(10,1); bar(y) ax = gca; ax.XGrid ='off'; ax.YGrid ='on'; Create a 3-D plot and display the grid lines only in thezdirection. Use thebox oncommand to show the box outline around the axes. ...
Plot the Input variable on the x-axis and the Output variable on the y-axis. Return the Line object as p, and turn the axes grid on. Notice that the axis labels match the variable names. Get p = loglog(tbl,"Input","Output"); grid on To modify aspects of the line, set the Li...