plot(…,’PropertyName’,PropertyValue,…) plot(axes_handle,…) h = plot(…) hlines = plot(‘v6’,…) 描述: plot(Y)如果Y是m×n的数组,以1:m为X横坐标,Y中的每一列元素为Y坐标,绘制n条曲线;如果Y是n×1或者1×n的向量,则以1:n为横坐标,Y为坐标表绘制1条曲线;如果Y是复数,则plot(Y)...
plot(x,y); xlabel('x轴'); % x轴注解 ylabel('y轴'); % y轴注解 title('余弦函数'); % 图形标题 legend('y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解 gtext('y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解 ,用鼠标定位注解位置 grid on; % 显示格线 03 关于图形坐标...
1、打开关闭网格线 gridon; % 打开 gridoff; % 关闭 2、设置线型,以虚线为例(线型的参数和 plot 线型是一样的) set(gca,'GridLineStyle',':'); % 设置为虚线 似乎网格线有点不太清楚,不要着急,设置一下透明度就可以。 3、设置透明度 set(gca, 'GridAlpha',1); % 设置透明度,注意参数的范围是[0,...
of the lines. For example, plot(X,Y,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[.6 0 0]) will create a plot with a dark red line width of 2 points. Example x = -pi:pi/10:pi; y = tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x)); plot(x,y,'--rs','LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFace...
Create a 2-D plot and display the grid lines only in theydirection. y = rand(10,1); bar(y) ax = gca; ax.XGrid ='off'; ax.YGrid ='on'; Create a 3-D plot and display the grid lines only in thezdirection. Use thebox oncommand to show the box outline around the axes. ...
举个例子把层次结构再表述下,例:使用 plot 函数创建线图。坐标区对象(坐标区是表示 x、y 和 z 坐标区标度、刻度线、刻度标签、坐标区标签等对象的单个对象)定义了表示数据的线条的参考框架。图窗是显示图形的窗口。图窗包含坐标区,坐标区包含线条、文本、图例以及其他用于表示图形的对象。
(1)Plot a function :f(t) = sin(\frac{\pi t^{2}}{4});(绘制函数) (2)Add the points sampled at 5 Hz using stem(使用stem添加在5 Hz下采样的点) 答案代码: holdonx=0:0.1:10;y=sin((pi*(x.^2))/4);plot(x,y,'b');stem(x,y,'m');set(gca,'YTick',-1:0.5:1);holdoff...
plot3(x,y1,z1,'r',x,y2,z2,'b',x,y3,z3,'g'); grid on; xlabel('x-axis'); ylabel('y-axis'); zlabel('z-axis'); 1. 2. 3. 4. 下面例子绘制了两个螺旋线: subplot(1, 2, 1) t = 0:pi/50:10*pi; plot3(sin(t),cos(t),t) ...
plot(x,y) axis([-1.1,1.1,-1.1,1.1]) axis square grid on subplot(1,2,2); [X, Y, Z] = sphere(60); q = Z > 0.5; Z(q) = NaN; surf(X, Y, Z) axis([-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]) axis equal view(-45, 20)
plot(count1,'.-b') grid on Make a new time series object from column 2 of the same data source: Get count2 = timeseries(count(:,2),1:24); count2.Name = 'Maple St. Traffic Count'; count2.TimeInfo.Units = 'hours'; Turn hold on to add the new data to the plot: Get ho...