Cinderella Plot Diagram Another story arc with a happy ending, one especially popular in romantic comedies, is the Cinderella arc. Here's how it works with the six elements: In the exposition, the main character is in a very bad place. The inciting incident is actually a positive event, of...
Understanding afew basic termsmakes it easier to define the plot of a story. Theinciting actionof a plot occurs near the beginning of the story, when the problem or conflict emerges. For example, in the story of Cinderella, the inciting action is the announcement that the prince will choose...
However, stories come in many different arcs. In fact, a team of researchers from the University of Vermont found that there are six major story arcs that stories take, and the diagram above is only one of them (called the Cinderella Arc). While two pinch points certainly occur in some s...
What archetype is Cinderella? What is a parallel plot? What is a social archetype? What is a subplot? What is the plot of Falconer? Which archetype is most common? What is the plot of Number the Stars? What is a shadow archetype?
”) In these two closely linked phases, the aftermath of the events that form the climax is explained. Tension is released as the conflict of the protagonist is resolved, whether the story has a happy (Cinderella) or tragic (Romeo and Juliet) ending. Loose plot ends and mysteries are tied...
Cinderella Plot Diagram Another story arc with a happy ending, one especially popular in romantic comedies, is the Cinderella arc. Here's how it works with the six elements: In the exposition, the main character is in a very bad place. ...