Summary。总结本节课学1.T:Let’sreviewthestoryaccordingto方式总结本节课词汇者 习内容。thepictures.S:...句型,复述故事梗概。 2.Let’sretell Thereisapartyattheprince’shouse.All thegirlscango,butCinderellacannot. Shedoesnothaveanyniceclothesor shoes. ThefairyhelpsCinderella.Cinderellahas beautifulclothe...
译林小学英语课件Unit1Cinderella全单元.pdf,学科:英语 年级: 五年级下册 授课人: 共 6 课时 Unit 1 Cinderella 第 1 课时 课题 课型 新授型 总课时 1 Story time 1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, pu
Storytime.无生命的of,thenameofthestory thereis+名词单数/不可数名词 thereare+可数名词复数 ˇ 1Thereisapartyattheprince’shouse,butCinderella 在王子的房子里有一个聚会,但是灰姑娘不能去。 cannotgo. party-parties :Cinderella,comeandhelp 灰姑娘,来帮帮我!
InChinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah tells the story of her painful childhood in China as an unwanted daughter of cruel and abusive parents. Although the physical abuse inflicted by herFatherand her stepmotherNiangis painful and frightening, it is their emotional abuse that ultimately does the mo...
49 You're That Bitch: A Gay Cinderella Story 50 Who is the author of “You're That Bitch: A Gay Cinderella Story” 51 You're That Bitch: A Gay Cinderella Story summary 52 You're That Bitch: A Gay Cinderella Story reviews 53 You're That Bitch: A Gay Cinderella Story similar ...
Need help with Chapter 3: Nai Nai’s Bound Feet in Adeline Yen Mah's Chinese Cinderella? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
3.Readthestorybyyourselfandchooseonepicturetoread. 4.Chooseonescenetoact. T:WhydoestheprincelikeCinderella? Ssreadthestoryloudly. Ssactthestory. S1:Becauseshe’sbeautiful. S2:Becauseshehasbeautifulinside. S3:Becauseshe’skindandnice. Step3Summary 5分钟 1.T:Whatdoyoulearnfromthisstory? Everyonehasdi...
1、Unitl Cinderella第一课时教学内容:Story time 教学目标:1 .在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because,clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2 .基于故事听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Why-? Because?并理解句型的意思;3 .能够听懂、会说、会...
Summary ‘Cinderella’byAnne Sextonis a brilliant and haunting retelling of the classicfairy taleof the same name. Throughout the poem, Sexton takes the story of Cinderella and changes it to present a narrative that is, in the end, critical of itself. The story follows the young Cinderella ...