I Promise, Mousse Will Transform Your Curly Hair BRB, Slathering Coconut Oil Through My Hair Presented by L'Oreal Paris 16 Clarifying Shampoos That Won’t Strip Your Hair Uh, This Gel Gave Me the Best Curls of My Life Ahem, Your Curly Hair Needs One of These Shampoos...
The reason why a technique like plopping is so necessary, though, is really easy to understand: The more you touch your curls while they dry, the frizzier they are going to be. Having frizzy curls pretty much eliminates all the pre-pooing, co-washing, and oil applying that got you to ...
The technique is a crucial part of my hair routine. TODAY Illustration / Jillian Ortiz /Updated ByJillian Ortiz My curly hair and I never really got along until I learned how to take care of it. I, like many of my friends, spent most of my teenage years flattening it with a straighten...
Styling curly hair can be challenging if you’re unfamiliar with the territory. One method that’s caught the eye of curly people and stylists alike is hair plopping. This technique lets you truly see what your curls are capable of without the need for damaging heat or excessive drying. What...
The technique of putting hair in a plop is basically the same, only products that you use on your hair will differ. When you have wavy hair, you need to use lighter stylers. Also, this hair type does not crave moisture as much as curly and coily hair does, so there is no need to...