What is plopping curly hair? Here's your full guide on how to plop your hair with a T-shirt, microfiber towel, or a pillowcase, & why plopping is good for hair.
Traditional terry cloth towels “absorb too much moisture, which curly hair needs,” explains Lorraine Massey, author ofCurly Girl: The Handbook. “The harsh fiber will ruffle the hair’s cuticle, causing frizz.”So the first step is to stop using terry cloth and opt for a t-shirt or mic...
Read on to learn how to plop curly hair, how to use the plop method for wavy and short curly hair, and how to plop hair overnight. What is Plopping? Plopping is the method of drying wet curly hair by piling it on top or your head in a t-ship wrap. When you have your curly ha...
Finding the right time to plop will depend on how fine your hair is. For thicker hair, you can reliably plop after applying a product in the form of gel or a leave-in conditioner. Finer hair may need to be plopped before being adorned with other products as the excess moisture may be ...
Plopping works on any hair length, just a little differently. Wondering how to plop short hair? In the same way, you would plop long hair but without accordioning. Just tie a cotton T-shirt around your head to protect the curls from rubbing and frizziness and soak in surplus moisture. ...
How to plop curly hair, including mistakes to avoid for short and straight hair, and how to plop hair overnight, with a T-shirt, pillowcase and more.
With the weather in Portland I needed to start embracing my culry hair so my friend Janine from Curl Cult taught me all the ways to wear my hair naturally
30 Cute-As-Hell Hairstyles to Try This Fall Surprisingly Easy Ways to Get Super Soft Hair Here's How To Plop Your Hair For The Best Curls Prom Hairstyles That Will Elevate Your Entire Look Copy These Hairstyles for Your Next Cut How to Curl Short Hair ...
This is one style you can slay, whether you're rocking a short 4C-textured hairstyle or have long, straight hair. Part dry or damp into desired sections. Apply styling product and brush it through. Separate your hair into two pieces and begin twisting. Once you get to the end of the...
at least it'll make you feel the silliest. Practice the small things, like entering the room, siting in a chair and introducing yourself. Pageant interview isn't the time to sloppy walk into a room and plop yourself on the seat, unsure of whether to greet someone or shake their hand. ...