权威英汉双解 英英 Pledge-of-Allegiance n. 1. 宣誓效忠(美国人站在国旗前右手贴左胸宣誓)a formal promise to be loyal to the US, which Americans make standing in front of the flag with their right hand on their heart 释义: 全部,宣誓效忠...
Related to pledges:Pledge of Allegiance (plĕj) n. 1.A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something:signed a pledge never to reveal the secret; a pledge of money to a charity. 2. a.Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillme...
pledge allegiance (to?) his critics' satisfaction pledge and commit pledge drive Pledge Form pledge his life to finding or find pledge his love for pledge his support to ... pledge money more... Visit the English Only Forum. Help WordReference:Ask in the forums yourself. ...
Pledge of AllegianceNAm: PledgeofAllegiance Sermentmaudrapeau Your search term in other parts of the dictionary unredeemedpledge nonretiré topledgeallegiancetotheflag prêtersermentmdevantledrapeau Translations forpledgein the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) ...
Meaning "allegiance vow attested by drinking with another" is from 1630s. Sense of "solemn promise, one's word given or considered as security for the performance (or refraining from) an act" is recorded by 1814, though this notion is from 16c. in the verb. Weekley notes the "curious ...
After the September 11 terrorist attacks, some high schools in America wanted the students to pledge allegiance(宣誓效忠) to the flag. Is it necessary or not? Let’s see how the kids think of this requirement. Lea Mouallem, Marymount High School ...
Mr. Buchanan has written the political book of the year - and maybe of our time. The Washington Times America is disintegrating. The one Nation under God, indivisible of the Pledge of Allegiance is passing away. In a few decades, that Am... PJ Buchanan - 《Thomas Dunne Books》 被引量...
英英 the-Pledge-of-Allegiance n. 1. 宣誓效忠(美国人站在国旗前右手贴左胸宣誓)a formal promise to be loyal to the US, which Americans make standing in front of the flag with their right hand on their heart 例句 释义: 全部,宣誓效忠
see alsoallegiance 2.(=give as security) [+property] →entregarcomogarantía; [+one's word] →dar 3.(=pawn) →empeñar,dejar en prenda 4.(US) (Univ) [+fraternity] →hacersemiembrode PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE El Pledge of Allegiance es un juramento de lealtad a la nación, considerado com...
WordReference English Collocations © 2024 pledge ⓘ n a [$400] pledge a pledge of [$400] pledges [amounting to, totaling] $1 million say the pledge of allegiance a pledge to [help, try, go, combat] a [joint, multi-industry] pledge ...