RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook pledge (redirected frompledges) Thesaurus Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia Related to pledges:Pledge of Allegiance (plĕj) n. 1.A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something:signed a pl...
Pledge of AllegianceNAm: PledgeofAllegiance Sermentmaudrapeau Your search term in other parts of the dictionary unredeemedpledge nonretiré topledgeallegiancetotheflag prêtersermentmdevantledrapeau Translations forpledgein the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) ... promise formally or solemnly:he pledged allegiance. 8.(tr) to bind or secure by or as if by a pledge:they were pledged to secrecy. 9.(Banking & Finance) to give, deposit, or offer (one's word, freedom, property, etc) as a guarantee, as for the repayment of a loan ... promise formally or solemnly:he pledged allegiance. 8.(tr) to bind or secure by or as if by a pledge:they were pledged to secrecy. 9.(Banking & Finance) to give, deposit, or offer (one's word, freedom, property, etc) as a guarantee, as for the repayment of a loan ...