playwright._impl._errors.timeouterror: timeout 30000ms exceeded 错误是 Playwright 在执行某个操作时抛出的异常,表明该操作没有在预设的超时时间(这里是30000毫秒,即30秒)内完成。这通常意味着测试脚本中的某个步骤因为某种原因而延迟,导致超过了预设的超时时间。
page.locator('text=找不到元素').click() 1. 2. 点击元素时,找不到会报超时异常TimeoutError: Timeout 30000ms exceeded. playwright._impl._api_types.TimeoutError: Timeout 30000ms exceeded. === logs === waiting for locator("text=找不到元素") === 1. 2. 3. 4. 可以针对单次操作click(...
following error log message I get sometimes, usually at a first "page.goto" line. there is no suspicious code in my scripts. seems the error happens very randomly. (node:10230) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: page.goto: Timeout 30000ms exceeded. === logs === navigating to "https://www...
In the headed mode, I got a time out : page.goto: Timeout 30000ms exceeded. christophebe changed the titlepage.goto doesn't work on headed mode[BUG] page.goto doesn't work on headed modeon Mar 30, 2022 rwoll added triaging
那么goto()设置的优先级大于page对象,page对象设置的大于context对象设置的超时时间。 设置操作元素超时 默认情况下,操作元素时,查找元素超时时间是30秒 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 操作元素 page.locator('text=找不到元素').click() 点击元素时,找不到会报超时异常TimeoutError: Timeout 30000ms exceeded. ...
所有的操作都会等待元素可见,或者可操作之后才会进行,也就是自带等待时间,但是如果要自己加等待的话不推荐使用time.sleep(5),而是用page.wait_for_timeout(5000)。 这里也可以使用page的wait操作: page.wait_for_event(event,**kwargs)page.wait_for_function(expression,**kwargs)page.wait_for_load_state(**...
尝试延长30000ms添加超时的默认超时page.goto(link): page.goto(link, timeout = 0) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) timeout通过设置,0您可以禁用超时。文档 或者,您可以使用以下命令禁用超时: page.set_default_timeout(0) page.goto(link) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 谢谢这个对...
screenshot[options]<url><filename>capture a page screenshot pdf[options]<url><filename>save page as pdf show-trace[options][trace...]show trace viewer help[command]displayhelpforcommand 到现在为止,我们距离完成本地环境的安装还差一步,因为现在我们只有软件基础框架,并没有要进行测试的浏览器环境(Chro...
newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.goto(''); await page.screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'}); await browser.close(); })();Copy The Page class emits various events (described below) which can be handled using any of Node's native ...
User data fetching function not working, I get the following error. It was working until yesterday and today I did not modify any code. I also cloned the repository again to check what is wrong but I got the same error. Is there any way ...