Playwright API 支持JavaScript & TypeScript、Python、C#和Java编程语言。 了解详情 您的浏览器不支持(H5 的) video 标签。 上手容易 在本地和 CI 环境中使用一条命令就能完成 Playwright 和浏览器的安装。然后利用 API 启动浏览器、创建页面并自动进行页面交互。
Playwright-Typescript-Playwright-test 是一个用于测试 Web UI、API、移动模拟器、数据库和视觉测试的 Playwright 框架。它使用 TypeScript 编写,并提供了 Docker 镜像、SonarQube、Lighthouse 和 Slack 通知等集成设置。 This is a boilerplate/template for a Playwright-Typescript framework for web UI, API, mo...
TypeScript 複製 use: { trace: 'on-first-retry', video:'retain-on-failure', screenshot:'on' } 使用Microsoft劇作家測試輕鬆地大規模執行測試並進行疑難解答您現在已經準備好可在雲端中使用 Microsoft Playwright Testing 來執行 Playwright 測試的組態。 您可以使用 Playwright CLI 來執行測試,也可以...
它支持 Chromium、Firefox 和 WebKit,可以在这些浏览器中执行自动化测试、爬虫、性能测试等任务。Playwright 还提供了一些方便的 API,如截图、录制视频、模拟用户输入等。同时,Playwright 还支持多种语言,如 JavaScript、TypeScript、Python、Java 和 C# 等。” 为什么选择 playwright 比起“傀儡师”(puppeteer)拥有的操...
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. - GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox an
In this tutorial, we will be using the TypeScript API of Playwright to set up and run our tests. Installing Playwright There are two ways to install Playwright : Using the Node.js package manager like npm. Using the Playwright VS Code extension. Navigate to the extension manager on VS ...
testingAPI testingplaywright 0 00034 Updated2 months ago R Michał Góral /Restful-Booker-Platform Playwright Tests Automated functionality tests for restful-booker demo site. GitHub: TypeScriptplaywrightfunctionalit... ...
点击切换到Testing 有多个浏览器时,点击TEST EXPLORER后面的运行按钮下拉框,选择浏览器,点击这里的运行按钮,运行。 只有一个浏览器时,直接点击运行 5. 测试代码 (1)playwright.config.ts文件内容, 有中文注释的是新增或修改的内容 import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'; ...
This is Boilerplate/Template for Playwright-Typescript framework for Web-UI, api, Mobile Emulation, DB and Visual testing. Docker image, SonarQube and Lighthouse setup is also implemented . - Sunil-302/playwright-typescript-playwright-test
点击切换到Testing 有多个浏览器时,点击TEST EXPLORER后面的运行按钮下拉框,选择浏览器,点击这里的运行按钮,运行。 只有一个浏览器时,直接点击运行 5. 测试代码 (1)playwright.config.ts文件内容, 有中文注释的是新增或修改的内容 import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'; ...