from playwright.sync_api import Playwright, APIRequestContext GITHUB_API_TOKEN = os.getenv("GITHUB_API_TOKEN") assert GITHUB_API_TOKEN, "GITHUB_API_TOKEN is not set" @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def api_request_context( playwright: Playwright, ) -> Generator[APIRequestContext, None, None...
它支持 Chromium、Firefox 和 WebKit,可以在这些浏览器中执行自动化测试、爬虫、性能测试等任务。Playwright 还提供了一些方便的 API,如截图、录制视频、模拟用户输入等。同时,Playwright 还支持多种语言,如 JavaScript、TypeScript、Python、Java 和 C# 等。” 为什么选择 playwright 比起“傀儡师”(puppeteer)拥有的操...
浏览器选择Chromium和WebKit(Firefox根据需要选择),不勾选Use JavaScript,选中AddGitHubActions workflow, 点击OK 这时,已经创建示例测试文件,切换到Explorer, 可以在tests目录下可以看到example.spec.ts文件,可以基于这个文件修改,也可以在tests目录下新建测试文件 4.运行 点击切换到Testing 有多个浏览器时,点击TEST EXPLORE...
fromplaywright.sync_apiimportPage, expectdeftest_example(page: Page) ->None: page.goto("") page.get_by_text("登录").click() page.get_by_placeholder("用户名/邮箱/手机号").click() page.get_by_placeholder("用户名/邮箱/手机号").fill("kemi") page.get_by_placehol...
from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect def test_example(page: Page) -> None: page.goto("") page.get_by_text("登录").click() page.get_by_placeholder("用户名/邮箱/手机号").click() page.get_by_placeholder("用户名/邮箱/手机号").fill("kemi") page.get_...
Supports multiple testing types, including end-to-end, functional, and API testing. Enables automated accessibility testing with third-party plugin support. Offers robust debugging options like Playwright Inspector, Browser Developer Tools, VS Code Debugger, and Trace Viewer. Includes built-in JSON, JU...
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. - GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox an
Running Node JS API Tests in CI/CD Pipelines Understanding Component Testing vs. End-to-End Testing Testing Different Types of Frontend Elements Requirements: Students don’t need to have any prior knowledge to take this course. They will learn everything from the course. ... 3.1 元素定位 元素定位是元素交互的前提条件,也是自动化测试最重要的步骤之一。元素” 存在 “页面”中 ,要定位元素,就是调用“页面”的方法: l querySelector(engine=body) # 选择单个元素 l querySelectorAll(engine=body...
从资源提供程序操作 API 返回的 REST API 操作的详细信息。 变量仅由服务器填充,在发送请求时将被忽略。 继承 Operation 构造函数 Python Operation(*, display: _models.OperationDisplay |None=None, **kwargs: Any) Keyword-Only Parameters display