【Lv:4】 · 来自Minecraft 消息 32 解决方案 1 获赞 2 成就点 122 邀请数 1 2024/09/24 jsheydebgfdc 【Lv:1】 · 来自福建 消息 0 获赞 0 成就点 0 邀请数 0 2024/09/22 forget丶 【Lv:2】 · 25 · 来自黑龙江 消息 102 资源 4 获赞 5 成就点 32 邀请数 0 2024/09/22 xbyyds...
The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies - Paper/patches/server/0138-Basic-PlayerProfile-API.patch at 3c0d6aaed9467b42389c0c6fd3fb2fde3efd2155 · Esophose/Paper
You don’t want to use the group finder for co-op multiplayer since this will invite other Reagents to join you. When you’re playing solo, you only have a couple of lives to work with and no other players to come and save you. You have to be pretty careful when navigating through ...
Apart from a number of heterogeneous sensors, the sensor network has a dedicated storage server (based on Intel NUC PC), gamer PC (a high-speed Intel I7 PC with the DDR4 (Double Data Rate) memory, and an advanced GPU card). For synchronization reasons, we have an Network Time Protocol...
importnet.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerSleepInBedEvent;//导入依赖的package包/类@SubscribeEventpublicvoidonSleep(PlayerSleepInBedEventevent){ ServerPlayerBaseMagic pm; pm = Main.getPlayerServer(event.entityPlayer);if(pm !=null) {if(pm.getPlayer().worldObj.rand.nextInt(2) ==0);//...