Discover how to find out what players are currently connected to your Minecraft server without having to log in.
If you want to delete player data on the Minecraft server, there are some steps you need to take, which we will explain in the section below. How to Delete Player Data Minecraft ServerThis guide will show you how it can be done in a matter of minutes....
Minecraft servers add a lot of fun to the game, and our guide helps you to set up your own or find and share a server with other players. Nathan Ellingsworth Published: 8 months ago Minecraft Minecraft is already a pretty complicated game, and while Minecraft servers add plenty of fun...
Discover how to ban and unban players on your Minecraft server which is also known as pardoning players that have already been blocked.
Minecraft administrators (OPs) can control and manage your game server with different commands. Follow this tutorial to assign OP permissions.
This guide will show you how to ban and unban players on your Minecraft server. You first need to understand that there are two ways to ban a player. You can either ban them by their Minecraft username, or by their IP. The best way to ban an unwanted player is to ban both their us...
Want to know how to make a Minecraft Server? Get started by following these easy instructions to create a minecraft server. Start playing and inviting your friends!
Once your server is fully prepared, it's time to get the word out and start attracting players. Here are some proven promotional strategies to help you effectively advertise your Minecraft server: Submit your server to our Minecraft server list via the link in the topmenu "Add Server". Our...
How服器 supports Minecraft version: 1.21.4.Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility. Where is the How服器 Minecraft Server being hos...
There's just one problem. For all its enhancements, Minecraft doesn't have a multiplayer server browser yet. If you'd like to connect to a server you need to know its web address, and you'll have to find that on your own. Finding A Minecraft Multiplayer Server ...