We have to use this to play HLS videos on Window, Android & IOS. Its working working fine for windows platform but in Android its not working properly. I am using the exoplayer and the steps suggested on this link:https://www.renderheads.com/content/docs/AVProVideo/articles/feature-content...
Initialize the controller with youtube URL _controller = VideoPlayerController.network( 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhWaJi1Hsfo, ); The player is unable to play the stream with the following error logs: E/ExoPlayerImplInternal(14727): com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.UnrecognizedInput...
For Android we have chosen to useExoPlayeras the platform counterpart, replacing the Android MediaPlayer that we used for Xamarin. This way we automatically gain a lot of extra features that are available to us out of the box, like playing HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) videos, great looking plat...
代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer @Override public void executePlayerCommand(@AudioFocusManager.PlayerCommand int playerCommand) { updatePlayWhenReady(getPlayWhenReady(), playerCommand); } } 代码示例来源:origin: lipangit/JiaoZiVideoPlayer
We’ve run the numbers! We used the app intelligence we provide at 42matters to determine the 20 most widely integrated Video Processing and Streaming SDKs leveraged by Android apps on Google Play™. 1st ExoPlayer 2nd Youtube Player
In March 2024, VideoLAN’s “dav1d” became available to all Android devices running Android 12 or higher. Apps need to opt-in to using AV1 for now, but according to Google, most devices can at least keep up with software decoding of 720p 30fps video. YouTube initially opted to begin...
使用媒体播放器框架:Android提供了媒体播放器框架,可以用于播放音乐和控制音乐的播放状态。在自定义片段中,可以使用MediaPlayer类或ExoPlayer库来实现音乐的播放和控制。 获取音乐数据:通过调用Google Play音乐API,可以获取音乐库中的音乐数据。可以根据需要获取特定的音乐信息,如歌曲名称、艺术家、专辑封面等。...
callback.onError("ExoPlayer error "+ what); } } 开发者ID:teocci,项目名称:YouTube-In-Background,代码行数:23,代码来源:LocalPlayback.java 示例3: onPlayerError ▲点赞 2▼ @OverridepublicvoidonPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException e){ String errorString =null;if(e.type == ExoPlayb...
It's true that not all library developers implement Compose-based APIs, especially when we first migrated. However, Compose providessimple view interoperabilitythrough its ComposeView and AndroidView APIs. We have successfully integrated with popular libraries likeExoPlayerandYouTube Playerin this way. ...
内容受FairPlay保护。Android和Windows上也有类似的问题。我尝试使用,但它不适用于FairPlay,因为它需要一个尚未包含在插件中的ExoPlayer2实现。 浏览4提问于2018-07-19得票数 0 1回答 FairPlay流:在AVPlayerItemVideoOutput上调用copyPixelBufferForItemTime返回NULL 、、 有没有人有使用HLS和Fairplay并成功地检索...