支持更多的视频播放格式(包含 DASH 和 SmoothStreaming,这2种 MediaPlayer 不支持) 通过组件化自定义播放器,方便扩展定制 持久的高速缓存 ExoPlayer 框架中组件主要有: MediaSource:媒体资源,用于定义要播放的媒体。通过 player.prepare() 注入。使用 LoopingMediaSource 类指定媒体循环播放次数;ConcatenatingMediaSource 可...
MediaPlayer,ExoPlayer 具有以下优点: 支持更多的视频播放格式(包含 DASH 和 SmoothStreaming,这2种 MediaPlayer 不支持) 通过组件化自定义播放器,方便扩展定制 持久的高速缓存 ExoPlayer 框架中组件主要有:MediaSource:媒体资源,用于定义要播放的媒体。通过 player.prepare() 注入。使用 LoopingMediaSource 类指定媒体...
ExoPlayer 是运行在 YouTube app Android 版本上的视频播放器。 优点: 支持HTTP上的动态自适应流DASH和SmoothStreaming。 支持高级的HLS特点,例如正确的处理#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY标签。 能够无缝的合并,串联,循环播放媒体文件。 能够被高度扩展和定制,以适用不同的场景。
SmoothStreaming, and persistent caching. ExoPlayer can be extended to handle additional media formats, and because you include it as part of your app code, you can update it along with your app.
We recommend using RtmpCamera2, as Camera API has been obsolete since Android API level 21. Our example uses the up-to-date RtmpCamera2. We will now take a step-by-step look at how to use the rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java library for mobile streaming. But first, let’s briefly review...
Adaptive Bitrate Streaming While you could upload different versions of video for different users, you’d then need to have the ability to control their players and calculate what is the best stream for their connection and device. Then, the player needs to switch between them (for example, wh...
Describe the bug Watching LiveTV using ExoPlayer, audio stream have mp2 format, but no sound in device. And when I exit client, the stream keep going in server, and xteve not stopped (using web client xteve streaming stopped after client...
ExoPlayerplayer=ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(context); 这里ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(context)用于创建一个新的ExoPlayer实例,其中context是当前的应用上下文。 2.1.2 设置数据源 设置数据源是播放媒体文件的关键步骤之一。ExoMedia支持多种数据源类型,包括本地文件路径、网络URL等。例如,可以通过以下方式设置...
exoplayerModulePrefix = 'exoplayer-' apply from: file("path/to/exoplayer/core_settings.gradle") You should now see the ExoPlayer modules appear as part of your project. You can depend on them as you would on any other local module, for example: implementation project(':exoplayer-library-core...