Child-centered, play-based learning is a whole-child educational approach that promotes academic, socio-emotional, and cognitive development through free play, which can also involve guided play by an adult. In guided play, teachers enhance children's ex
A Continuum of Play- Based Learning: The Role of the Teacher in Play-Based Pedagogy and the Fear of Hijacking Play. Early Educ Dev. 2016;1-16.Pyle, A.; Danniels, E. A continuum of play-based learning: The role of the teacher in a play-based pedagogy and the fear of hijacking play...
A Continuum of Play- Based Learning: The Role of the Teacher in Play-Based Pedagogy and the Fear of Hijacking Play. Early Educ Dev. 2016;1-16.Pyle, A.; Danniels, E. A continuum of play-based learning: The role of the teacher in a play-based pedagogy and the fear of hijacking play...
Play-basedLearning LennieBarblett Transcript LennieBarblett:ThethreeunderlyingideasoftheEarlyYearsLearningFramework aregreatideas—Belonging,BeingandBecoming.They'rethree interwovenideas.Onedoesn'tstandseparatefromtheothers.They're threetogetherandtheyareallaboutchildreninthehereandthenow andthefuture. Thestructure...
New concepts of play and the problem of technology, digital media and popular-culture integration with play-based learning in early childhood education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 2015;25(4):513-532. Kervin L, Verenikina I. Children at play: Digital resources in home and school ...
9 characters, flexible casting. Approximately 20 minutes long. Winnie the Pooh and his friends help Piglet learn to read. Perfect for elementary and middle school. Focus on SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening ...
et al. Learning to summarize from human feedback. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst. 33, 3008–3021 (2020). Ouyang, L. et al. Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst. 35, 27730–27744. (2022). Casper, S. et al. Open ...
Easy-to-use full Chinese interface, container-based easy installation, and low resource consumption.Docker 可视化管理面板,提供完善的容器管理功能。全中文界面易于使用,基于容器易于安装,资源占用低。 Virtual DSM Multiple disks, KVM acceleration, GPU passthrough, Upgrades supported多磁盘,KVM 加速,GPU直通,...
To address this, we propose EvoPlay, a self-play reinforcement learning framework based on the single-player version of AlphaZero. In this work, we mutate a single-site residue as an action to optimize protein sequences, analogous to playing pieces on a chessboard. A policy-value neural ...
Implementing Project-based Learning in Urban High School Classrooms: Understanding Teachers' Mindsets and Benefits to English Learners The state of California has an estimated 1.5 million ELs in kindergarten through Grade 12. This mixed methods study employed improvement science principles ... M Núez ...