play-based learning意思Play-based learning,或称游戏化学习,是一种基于游戏的教学方式。在这种方式中,学习过程被设计成一种有趣的游戏,使得学生在玩耍中获得知识,培养技能,提高学习兴趣。 游戏化学习有多种形式,包括但不限于角色扮演、模拟游戏、拼图游戏、寻宝游戏等。这些游戏通常具有明确的目标、规则和激励机制,...
Play-based learning不仅是儿童发展新技能的载体,它更主要的,是能够更好地在本来的内容领域完成向孩子们传达知识的任务。 趣味性学习原则与6Cs: Play-based learning 从某种程度上可以说是为孩子们提供了建立在他们天生的好奇心之上的探索...
This chapter examines contemporary research regarding play, digital play, and play-based learning in the early years. We commence with a brief account of play guided by the theories of constructivism and sociocultural theory, as these theories underpin most teaching approaches in the early years....
Play-based learning in Early Years classrooms is a critical form of how children learn and make sense of the world around them. There are four pillars of the Early Years in PYP – symbolic exploration and expression, ...
夏日炎炎,万物蓬勃,Fun English Camp第一期充满欢笑与探究的旅程缓缓落下帷幕,这群年龄段2到4岁的小朋友们在国际教师的陪伴下,围绕着不同的探究主题开展各类新奇有趣的Play based learning活动,孩子们不仅在“玩”中丰富知识,而且能结识新伙伴,收获友谊和欢乐。 请跟随国际教师的课堂分享,一探他们如何在“Fun ...
网络以玩为本;学习 网络释义
如果,家长能了解一些教育方面的知识的话,对于孩子会非常的有益。 而0到5周岁,是孩子一生中最重要的发展机会之一,人的大脑,智力绝大部分是在5周岁之前完成的,而这个阶段也有很多很重要的发展期。所以,我觉得家长理解这个年龄段的孩子是如何学习和成长的,是非常重要的。
在这里我们需要穿插一个小小话题,那就是为什么play-based learning很新,或者说为什么传统的学术教育有些过头了。原因在于近年来标准化考试持续推进,并且其压力已经逐渐向低年级渗透。 The Most Important Year: Pre-indergarten and the Future of Our Children的作者,著名发展心理学家Suzanne Bouffard说:“我们需要超越...
Child-centered, play-based learning is a whole-child educational approach that promotes academic, socio-emotional, and cognitive development through free play, which can also involve guided play by an adult. In guided play, teachers enhance children's ex
Play based learning is the dominant approach to early childhood education today. It promotes children’scognitive, social,emotional, psychological and physical development. A play-based approach is characterized by learning through exploration, discovery, and trial-and-error. ...