void__initplat_early_device_setup(void){/* enable MTU2 clock */__raw_writeb(__raw_readb(STBCR3) & ~0x20, STBCR3);early_platform_add_devices(sh7201_early_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(sh7201_early_devices)); } 开发者ID:03199618,项目名称:linux,代码行数:8,代码来源:setup-sh7201.c 示例3: om...
Linux Platform Device and Driver,platform_add_devices()->platform_driver_register() 来自: http://www./course/6_system/linux/Linuxjs/200871/129585.html 从Linux 2.6起引入了一套新的驱动管理和注册机制:Platform_device和Platform_driver。 Linux中大部分的设备驱动,都可以使用这套机制,设备用Platform_device...
定义好了 platform_device 结构体后就可以调用函数platform_add_devices向系统中添加该设备了,之后可以调用 platform_device_register() 进行设备注册。要注意的是,这里的platform_device 设备的注册过程必须在相应设备驱动加载之前被调用,即执行platform_driver_register 之前 , 原因是因为驱动注册时需要匹配内核中所以已注...
Move platform_add_devices() to the end of magician_init() for better clarity of code.
The invention related to an interactive add-on device (FunBrush) for kids for a toothbrush and a platform for mobile devices containing games controlled by the device to create a habit of correct, regular tooth brushing by virtual fun. The device is attachable to a manual or electric ...
FoodieHub is a restaurant food app for Android devices. It provides users with a platform to explore restaurants, view their offers, browse food items, add items to cart, and place orders. Features Login: Users can log in using their credentials via Firebase Authentication. ...
THERMAL DETECTION OF BUILDINGS AND ENVIRONMENT BY INFRAMETRIC DEVICESIn our natural environment there are several known and unknown phenomena concerning their origin. These are all caused by several mechanical, chemical, thermal, electric and nuclear, etc., factors and their interactions. Of all these...