血小板输注指南GUIDELINESOFPLATELETTRANSFUSIONS 血小板输注指南GUIDELINESOFPLATELETTRANSFUSIONS 华西医院血液科李建军 血小板 •由骨髓中的巨核细胞产生。•生理作用:止血 维护血管内皮的完整性;粘附、聚集、释放形成血小板血栓止血;促凝功能。血小板的制备 •方法:手工法机采法浓缩血小板悬液(4.8x1010)单采...
The benefits of pooled platelets or single donor platelets are similar; the two products can be used interchangeably. Single donor platelets from selected donors are preferred when histocompatible platelet transfusions (ie, HLA-A and HLA-B antigen matche...
Kleinman, SKumar A, Mhaskar R, Grossman BJ, Kaufman RM, Tobian AA, Kleinman S, et al. Platelet Transfusion Guidelines Panel transfusion: a systematic review of the clinical evidence. Transfusion (2015) 55(5):1116-27. doi:10.1111/trf. 12943...
PDF 引用 收藏 摘要原文 Abstract Platelet transfusions are commonly administered for the prevention or treatment of bleeding in patients with acquired thrombocytopenia across a range of clinical contexts. Recent data, including randomized trials, have highlighted uncertainties in the risk-benefit balance...
We therefore lacked power to analyze the correlation between platelet dysfunction and clinical events; (iii) Most of the bleeding events reported in our study did not correspond to clinically identified bleeding but to transfusion of two or more units of PRBCs. Although this criterion is commonly ...
transfusion criteria. Anesthetic Management All patients were monitored according to the American Society of Anesthesia guidelines with a five-lead elec- trocardiograph. In addition, cerebral oximetry and both nasal and bladder temperatures were monitored, along with continuous blood pressure, central ve...
2024, Biomarker Research Platelet transfusion enhances pro-aggregatory status shortly after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG while modulating platelet pro-inflammatory state 1-week post-surgery 2024, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine View all citing articles on ScopusData...
TransfusionSlichter SJ, Corson J, Jones MK, Christoffel T, Pellham E, Bolgiano D. Platelet concen- trates prepared after a 20- to 24-hour hold of the whole blood at 22°C. Transfusion 2012;52:2043-8.Slichter SJ, Corson J, Jones MK, Christoffel T, Pellham E, Bolgiano D. Platelet ...
Added safety measures coupled with the development and use of pathogen reduction technologies (PRT) significantly reduces the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTIs) from blood products. Current approved PRTs utilize chemical and/or UV-light ba
Severe thrombocytopenia should be corrected by prophylactic platelet transfusion prior to central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, according to national and international guidelines. Even though correction is thought to prevent bleeding complications, evidence supporting the routine administration of prophylactic...