Causes of Plate Tectonics Convection Currents Describe convection currents Diagram the Earth’s mantle convection currents. Make sure to label the: inner core, outer core, the asthenosphere, lithosphere, and the mantle.
Theory of Plate Tectonics Plate Boundaries Causes of Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics What is Plate Tectonics The Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called plates Plates move around on top of the mantle like rafts What is the Lithosphere? The crust and part of the upper ma...
2-第二讲--Plate---Tectonics--1PPT优秀课件 第二讲PlateTectonics 1 preface Thesignificance板块构造的科学意义Theplatetectonicsnotionhas profoundlychangedthewayweviewtheearth.Intheearly1960s,theemergence(出现)ofthetheoryofplatetectonicsstartedarevolutionintheearthsciences.Theplatetectonicstheoryistheresultofthe...
4.5 The Theory of Plate Tectonics 4.5 The Theory of Plate Tectonics Objectives Objectives • Explain the theory of plate tectonics • Describe the three types of plate boundaries. • Explain the theory of plate tectonics • Describe the three types of plate boundaries. Engage/Explore Engage...
The Theory of Plate Tectonics The Theory of Plate Tectonics The Theory of Plate Tectonics The Theory of Plate Tectonics The Theory of Plate Tectonics Tectonic Plate Boundaries Tectonic Plate Boundaries Convergent Boundaries Convergent Boundaries Convergent Boundaries Tectonic Plate Boundaries Divergent Boundary...
TheoryofPlateTectonicsTheoryofPlateTectonics PlateTectonicsPlateTectonics PlateBoundariesPlateBoundaries CausesofPlateTectonicsCausesofPlateTectonics PlateTectonicsPlateTectonics WhatisPlateTectonicsWhatisPlateTectonics •TheEarth’scrustandupper mantlearebrokeninto sectionscalledplates •Platesmovearoundontopof themantle...
板块构造论 plate tectonic theory PlateTectonicTheory PlateTectonicTheory PlatetectonicsisarelativelynewtheorythathasrevolutionizedthewaygeologiststhinkabouttheEarth.Plate:LargeslabofsolidrockTectonics:fromtheGreekroot“tobuild” Platetectonicsisacombinationoftwoearlierideas,continentaldriftandsea-floor...
2.Platetectonics板塊結構 1.theearth’ssurface地球表面 •notstatic不是靜止的、dramatic動態的•slowbutmassivedisplacement緩慢但大 規模的移位 •mainworld’slandformsbuilding造成世界 上主要的地形 2.theevolutionofthePlatetectonictheory板塊結構理論的發展 •ContinentalDrift(1920)大陸漂移學說•Sea-floor...
Plate tectonics is a theory in geology. This theory primarily explains the proof of the large movements of the earth’s lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outermost layer of solid rock of a planet. The lithosphere consists of the uppermost mantle and the crust. These two are joined together ...
(some platesarejustcontinentalcrust,somejust oceaniccrust,andsomeareacombination ofboth) ProofofPlateTectonics ●“puzzle-like-fit”● paleontologicaldata ● paleoclimatedata ● paleomagneticdata ● continentaldrift ● convectiontheory ● seafloorspreading TheScientistsbehindPlateTectonics ● AlfredWegener-first...