Plate Tectonics ExplainedExplain SchottkyFrenkel Defects
The shifting rock in an earthquake causes vibrations called seismic waves that travel within Earth or along its surface. The four main types of seismic waves are P waves, S waves, Love waves, and Rayleigh waves.
When viewed in ultraviolet light,Venus' clouds exhibit dark streaks where something is absorbing those high-energy wavelengths. Over the decades, all manner of explanations for the absorbing substance have been suggested, from ferric chloride to various sulfur compounds and even microorganisms, which is...
During earthquake propagation, geologic faults lose their strength, then strengthen as slip slows and stops. Many slip-weakening mechanisms are active in the upper-mid crust, but healing is not always well-explained. Here we show that the distinct struct
Venus is the least understood of the terrestrial planets. Despite broadsimilarities to the Earth in mass and size, Venus has no evidence of platetectonics recorded on its young surface, and Venus's atmosphere isstrikingly different. Numerical experiments of long-term planetaryevolution have sought ...
Like antibiotic-resistant bacteria, some herbicide-resistant weeds can't be killed by available chemicals. The problem affects more than just the errant weed in our driveways; herbicide-resistant weeds threaten our food supply, stealing resources and out