The hippocampus and the PFC are particularly vulnerable to the impact of ageing, so it is not surprising that behaviours relying on these brain regions decline with age. In many species, there is a decline in associative learning and spatial memory, both of which require the hippocampus. In ad...
This chapter summarizes current knowledge regarding the effects of experience on the structure and synaptic organization of the brain. It is now clear that experience produces multiple, dissociable changes in the brain including: increases in dendritic length, increases (or decreases) in spine density,...
Several observations support the hypothesis that differences in synaptic and regional cerebral plasticity between the sexes account for the high ratio of males to females in autism. First, males are more susceptible than females to perturbations in genes
Tissue-resident macrophages and recruited macrophages play pivotal roles in innate immunity and the maintenance of brain homeostasis. Investigating the involvement of these macrophage populations in eliciting pathological changes associated with neurodeg
Neuroplasticity is referred to the ability of the nervous system to change its structure or functions as a result of former stimuli. It is a plausible mechanism underlying a dynamic brain through adaptation processes of neural structure and activity patt
brain (EMB) theory [7]. In this paper, we propose as an alternative the enhanced plasticity hypothesis (see Table1for a summary of these two theories), which is consistent with the EMB theory in some aspects and inconsistent in others. We focus on sex differences in plasticity at the ...
of the work regarding mechanisms of olfactory associative learning comes from neonates, a time point before which the brain or olfactory system is fully developed. In addition, pups and adults often express different behavioral outcomes when subjected to the same olfactory aversive conditioning paradigm...
of the evolution from the first wiggles, to rolling over, and sitting up, and crawling, standing, walking, before we get to that magical point in which we can motate in the world. And yet, when we look forward in the brain we see really remarkable advance. By this age ...
Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (αCaMKII) controls the activity of the dopamine transporter: implications for Angelman syndrome. efflux function, which was comparable with that of the αCaMKII mutant mice, indicating that DAT-mediated dopaminergic signaling is affected in Angelman ....
(tES), one of the most widely used non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques, may induce cross-task cognitive benefits, in young adults and advanced age1,2,3,4,5,6. In particular, repeated sessions of one variant of tES, anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), with ...