UTCs contribute to a host of immunological activities, rapidly responding to microbial and viral infections and playing key roles in tumor suppression. Aging and chronic disease both have been shown to adversely affect UTC numbers and function, with increased...
2022). For very old age, some evidence suggests that the impact of social aspects may decrease (Grothe et al. 2022; Vos et al. 2017). Hence, the present study aims to investigate the associations between social connections and cognitive functions in very old age. We focus on global ...
2013. Neural plasticity and the Kennard principle: does it work for the preterm brain? Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 40:774-784.Bennet, L.; Van Den Heuij, L.; Dean, J.M.; Drury, P.; Wassink, G.; Gunn, A.J. Neural plasticity and the Kennard principle: Does it work for the ...
Aging was associated with an increase in oxidative stress biomarkers and in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, GPx and Mn-SOD, in the liver in mice. Life-long spontaneous exercise did not prolong longevity but prevented several signs of frailty (that is, decrease in strength, endurance ...
Cognitive control is required to organize thoughts and actions and is critical for the pursuit of long-term goals. Childhood cognitive control relates to other domains of cognitive functioning and predicts later-life success and well-being. In this study
Physical activity and the regulation of neurogenesis in the adult and aging brain. Neuromol. Med. 10, 59–66 (2008). 38. Kuhn, H. G., Dickinson-Anson, H. & Gage, F. H. Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat: age-related decrease of neuronal progenitor proliferation. J....
From approximately 1–8 months of age (through ∼ PND240), over 52 testing sessions, a significant treatment effect was found on per cent task completed (PTC), with a significantly lower PTC for the 5.0 mg/kg bw per day group compared to controls. While there was no treatment effect ...
Brain plasticity may contribute to the effectiveness of Are afferent sensory neurons involved with schizophrenia? Does the sense of hearing dampen from exhaustion? Does a blind person use their occipital lobe? Is the fovea centralis sensory? Does age affect taste buds? Does multiple sclerosis...
This study examined the interplay of psychopathic traits, executive functioning, and antisocial behavior among adjudicated youth, with a focus on the potential moderating role of executive function. The current study uses data from the Pathways to Desistance dataset was examined, utilizing the Psychopathy...
Cellular regeneration, as assessed by replicative activity of intestinal stem cells, also did not decrease with age in honey bee queens44. Finally, queen bees also maintain humoral immunity during aging, although they do lose cellular immunity like workers45. A number of pathways appear to affect...