KBM Plasmid Extraction Kit (KBM Plasmid Extraction Kit-Midi) uses magnetic beads to adsorb DNA to quickly purify plasmids from 48-well plates, suitable for 20 ml (OD600=2) high-copy plasmid cultures Quickly extract up to 100 g plasmid DNA. The purified plasmid is suitable for DNA sequencing...
The FavorPrep™ Plasmid Extraction Mini Kit provides a rapid, phenol-free method for the extraction of high-purity plasmid DNA from bacterial culture such as E. coli. Silica membrane based DNA column is utilized in the purification process, and the extraction is carried out in three simple st...
FavorPrep Plasmid DNA Extraction KitPartner
The FavorFilter™ Plasmid Extraction Maxi Kit is designed for rapid and efficient extraction of high-quality plasmid DNA. A special designed filter cartridge is allowed to remove the bacterial lysates without centrifugation step. Following a gravity-flow procedure, the plasmid DNA is bound to the ...
英文名Ion Exchange Plasmid Extraction Kit 相关类别质粒提取储存常温(10-30℃) 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 B611253-00022 PREPS现货345345 B611253-001010 PREPS现货12511251 产品描述 概述 本试剂盒通过离子交换吸附柱获得高纯度的质粒 DNA。中和后的裂解液混合物中的核酸在特定条件下与离子交换柱...
质粒提取盒DNAkitKit提取试剂盒质粒DNAdnaKit质粒 系统标签: plasmiddnakitextractionsolutionteaching 1ProductCode:HTBM003Numberofexperimentsthatcanbeperformed:20DurationofExperiment:2daysDay1:RevivalofHostDay2:InoculationofcultureDay3:PlasmidExtractionandAgaroseGelElectrophoresisStorageInstructions: Thekitisstablefor6mo...
产品介绍 US EVERBRIGHT 的质粒提取试剂盒,是一种以硅胶柱为基础的的质粒提取产品,可以在 25min 内获得高质量的质粒 DNA。离心吸附柱中采用特有的新型材料,高效、专一的吸附质粒 DNA。它可以从菌液中提取<15 kb 的质粒 DNA。每个吸附柱最多可结合 60μg 质粒 DNA。提取后的质粒可用于下游实验,如转化、测序、...
Fast Maxi Plasmid Kit 产品及特点 本试剂盒用于质粒DNA的大量快速制备。在经典碱裂解法提取质粒的基础上进行改进优化,可视化操作,大大降低了提取时间。质粒可从菌体中快速释放,并特异、高效地被离心吸附柱吸附。所得质粒可直接用于酶切、转化、PCR、实时荧光定量,测序等各种分子生物学实验。它具有下列特点:1. 快捷...
QIAGEN Plasmid Kit利用重力流QIAGEN阴离子交换柱技术高效纯化质粒DNA。产量可达10 mg(Giga)、2.5 mg(Mega)、500 µg(Maxi)、或100 µg(Midi)高拷贝质粒DNA(培养体积取决于质粒拷贝数、插入片段大小、宿主菌株和培养基。)QIAGEN Plasmid Kits纯化的质粒DNA适合多种应用,如:转染(参见"Transfection efficiency versu...