More than 90% of these are multiple myeloma (MM); 2–10% are solitary plasmacytoma (SP). MM incidence higher in blacks than whites (2:1). Median age at diagnosis 70 years. SP more common in men than women (4:1). Median age at diagnosis 50–55 years. Etiology is unknown, may ...
multiple myelomaneurological complicationneuropathyneurotoxicityplasmacytomaPOEMSNeurologic complications in plasma cell malignancies are frequently seen in the practice of neuro-oncology, involving areas such as the peripheral and central nervous system. These can be the first symptoms, leading to the diagnosis...
Multiplemyelomacellsbindviacell surfaceadhesionmoleculestobone marrowstromalcellsand extracellularmatrix. Thistriggersmultiplemyelomacell growth,survival,drugresistanceand migrationinthebonemarrowmilieu Thecelleffectisduetodirect multiplemyelomaandbonemarrow
多发性骨髓瘤是最常见的原发性恶性骨肿瘤。它占所有癌症的1%。它发生在美国每年约20,000人。多发性骨髓瘤是每年造成10,000名美国人死亡的原因。 "多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种在骨髓中的浆细胞异常增生的恶性疾病浆细胞是构成人体免疫系统的成分...
Bisphosphonates such as pamidronate inhibit osteoclastic activity and reduce bone resorption. Patients with stage III multiple myeloma and at least one lytic lesion received either placebo or pamidronate (90 mg) as a four-hour intravenous infusion given every four weeks for nine cycles in addition ...
In this study, we analyzed 69 plasma cell , including 54 multiple (MMs), 3 cases of , and 12 plasmacytomas, for expression of D1 protein using an immuno-histochemical method applied to routinely fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. D1 was expressed in 18 (26%) of 69 plasma cell ,...
Radiation Therapy for Solitary Plasmacytoma and Multiple Myeloma: Guidelines From the International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group Tsang RW, Campbell BA, Goda JS, et al. Radiation therapy for solitary plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma: guidelines from the International lymphoma radiation Oncology Group. ...
Tissue other than the skeletal system may also be involved in multiple myeloma. Extraosseous involvement of lymph nodes, spleen, kidneys, tonsils, and other tissue has been described. Extraosseous myelomatous involvement may take the form of extramedullary plasma cells histologically indistinguishable ...
Plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma (MM) are two main groups of plasma cell tumors. Plasmacytoma includes solitary plasmacytoma of bone and solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP). Secondary EMP has been reported rarely, and its natural history and diagnosis is not well defined. EMP of the colon ...
Four cases of plasmacytoma (PC), six cases of multiple myeloma (MM), and nine cases of immunoblastic lymphoma (IL) of B-cell phenotype were studied with a large panel of monoclonal antibodies applied to frozen tissue sections. There were no significant differences in the immunophenotypes of pl...