Injury-induced regeneration allows plants to restore lost or damaged cells, tissues and organs and thus to survive severe injuries. A recent study shows that the microRNA396–GROWTH REGULATING FACTORs (miR396–GRFs) module has a bifunctional role in restoring a damaged root: miR396 bolsters rege...
Plants cannot move, so they must endure abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and extreme temperatures. These stressors greatly limit the distribution of plants, alter their growth and development, and reduce crop productivity. Recent progress in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underl...
In this section, we will explore the anatomy of flowers, focusing on the various components that make up a flower and their functions. Understanding these terms will help enhance your knowledge of botany. stamen: The stamen...
Describe the functions and origin of electrolytes. Describe the functions of the B-vitamins. How does stomata's position aid both their function and the functioning of the plant? What is the function of the plant leghemoglobins? List the plant organs and their functions. State how plant tissue...
the digestive organs. The ENS is the largest unit within the peripheral nervous system, one of the two mainstructural classifications of the nervous systemoverall. It is also the second largest neural network in the body after the brain itself, facilitating signals between the mind and the gut....
The study of plant-based medications, or phytomedicine, involves a wide spectrum of biological activities. Due to the existence of secondary metabolites, herbal medicine has been used and practiced throughout history for the treatment of both acute and c
Models of plant organs Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer Pages 119-131 Animation of plant development Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer Pages 133-144 Modeling of cellular layers Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer Pages 145-174 Fractal properties of plant...
As plants or plant organs vary in size, it is common to normalize measured rates of physiological processes or chemical content by the size of the biological sample taken. However, there is a hidden problem here. Plant biologists studying photosynthesis generally consider leaf area as the ‘logica...
Our findings add a new actor to the complex mechanisms underlying reproductive organ differentiation in flowering plants and provide leads towards addressing the diversity of factors controlling the transition to reproductive organs.This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution ...
Light serves as the energy source for plants as well as a signal for growth and development during their whole life cycle. Seedling de-etiolation is the most dramatic manifestation of light-regulated plant development processes, as massive reprogramming of the plant transcriptome occurs at this time...