nearly every cell of a flowering plant is capable of regenerating the entire plant. In nature, new plants may be regenerated from leaves, stems, or roots that receive an appropriate stimulus and become separated from the parent plant. In most cases, these new plants arise...
: Co-operation of organs in intact higher plants: A review. In: Membrane transport in plants ( U. Zimmermann , J. Dainty , eds.). Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1974.Lüttge U (1974) Co-operation of organs in intact higher plants: a review. In: Zimmermann U, Dainty J (eds)...
LMA was determined for 2–3 sun-exposed mature leaves from each of two plants per species in each OTC as described above. Ten circular leaf discs (1.2 cm diameter) were punched from the non-midrib area from each of 276 leaves (2–3 leaves × 2 plants × 4 species × 5...
in plants, parts of the bodies of plant organisms that serve to maintain its individual life. In lower plants, the vegetative body (thallus) is not separated into organs but consists of a single cell (in unicellular algae, lower fungi); of threads formed from one layer of cells (in filame...
2. a grouping of tissues into a distinct structure, as a heart or kidney in animals or a leaf or stamen in plants, that performs a specialized task. 3. a newspaper, magazine, or other means of communicating information, thoughts, or opinions, esp. in behalf of some organization or poli...
Plants respond to insect oviposition by emission of oviposition-induced plant volatiles (OIPVs) which can recruit egg parasitoids of the attacking herbivore. To date, studies demonstrating egg parasitoid attraction to OIPVs have been carried out in tritrophic systems consisting of one species each of...
Cation/proton antiporter 1 (CPA1) proteins function as regulators of monovalent ions, pH homeostasis, and other developmental processes in plants. Better understanding of the expression and regulation of CPA1 in plant responses to salinity would help the development of scientific practices in crops ...
These organelles were only found in proximity to, or in direct contact with, dense “lipids”. The ER is the main site of lipid body formation in plants, animals, and microorganisms due to the enzymes and proteins produced in ER systems60 so lipids remain in contact with the ER throughout...
Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is an important enzyme, which is a key player involved in eukaryotic signal transduction pathways. In plants, it plays a key role in growth and development as well as environmental stress. However, little is known about its roles in signal ...
What are the major groups of organs in plants? Name two vestigial organs in the body of human beings. What are the main organs in the digestive system and what are the functions of each? What is the main functions of blood in the human body?