The amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) categorized as “plant_pathogen” in the “primary_lifestyle” or “secondary_lifestyle” were used as putative pathogens, and “soil_saprotroph”, “litter_saprotroph”, “wood_saprotroph” and “unspecified_saprotroph” in the “primary_lifestyle” ...
Hannula SE, Ma HK, Perez-Jaramillo JE, Pineda A, Bezemer TM (2020) Structure and ecological function of the soil microbiome affecting plant-soil feedbacks in the presence of a soil-borne pathogen. Environ Microbiol 22:660–676 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Ye G, Banerjee S, He JZ,...
brassicae, an obligate plant pathogen commonly found in brassicas that can survive in bulk soil as spores48. Although this result seems contradictory, the unidentified Olpidiaceae could in fact be O. brassicae, while the O. brassicae in rye could either be a different genotype50 or O. ...
plant pathogens, Undefined Saprotroph, Animal Pathogen-Undefined Saprotroph, and Animal Pathogen-Endophyte-Lichen Parasite-Plant Pathogen-Soil Saprotroph-Wood Saprotroph (Fig.5C and D). The relative
an immune response. The first plant receptors of conserved microbial signatures were identified in rice (XA21, 1995)[82] and in Arabidopsis thaliana (FLS2, 2000).[83] Plants also carry immune receptors that recognize highly variable pathogen effectors. These include the NBS-LRR class of proteins...
(Guo et al.2016). AlthoughA. melleasl includes pathogens that cause root-rot disease in woody plants,Armillaria gallica, a major symbiont ofG. elata, is a weak pathogen that inhabits decayed wood and litter (Mohammed et al.1994). Rhizomorphs, i.e., linear mycelial organs, are well-...
animal endosymbiont-animal pathogen-endophyte-plant pathogen-undefined saprotrophs, endophyte-lichen parasite-plant pathogen-undefined saprotrophs, fungal parasite-plant pathogen-plant saprotroph, and animal pathogen-endophyte-plant pathogen-wood saprotrophs predicted were inhibited after the fermentation pr...
Many pathogens, especially among the bacteria and fungi, spend part of theirlife cycleas pathogens and the remainder assaprotrophs. Saprogenesis is the part of the pathogen’s life cycle when it is not in vital association with living host tissue and either continues to grow in dead host ti...
lycopersici, diminishing the symptoms caused by the pathogen [154]. Jogaiah and collaborators [154] also noted that the inoculation of T. virens induced the JA-mediated defense pathway in the plant. In contrast, the fungal culture filtrate primarily induces the SA-mediated defense pathway, ...
Variation in traits associated with parasitism and saprotrophism in a fungal root-rot pathogen invading intensive pine plantations. Fungal Ecol. 26, 99-108.Labbe, F.; Lung-Escarmant, B.; Fievet, V.; Soularue, J.P.; Laurent, C.; Robin, C.; Dutech, C. Variation in traits associated ...