I picked up this single peony at an end-of-season nursery sale, and it didn’t have a tag. So if anyone recognizes it, I would love to know what its name is. Peony ‘Santa Fe’ Some are semi-double, with three to five layers of outer petals (called guard petals) around a center...
High Country Gardens Plants for the Western Garden and Beyond - Santa Fe NM. USA Hoodia Ranch - Canary Islands Jardin Naturel - Reunion Island Kakteengartnerei-A. Plapp - Bavaria Kakteen-Haage - Germany's oldest nursery (1822) Kambroo Plants - Haworthia, Gasteria, Stapeliads - Pretoria, Sout...
Nursery Zone 9a: 20°F to 25°F O'Brien Zone 7b: 5°F to 10°F O'Donnell Zone 7b: 5°F to 10°F Oak Cliff Place Zone 9a: 20°F to 25°F Oak Grove Zone 8a: 10°F to 15°F Oak Island Zone 9a: 20°F to 25°F Oak Leaf Zone 8a: 10°F to 15°F Oak Point Zone 8a...
Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Centro de Estudios Fotosintéticos y Bioquímicos - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CEFOBI - CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina Mauricio J. Grisolia, Diego A. Peralta, Julieta Barch...
Porras-Soriano A, Soriano-Martìn ML, Porras-Piedra A, Azcón R (2009) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increased growth, nutrient uptake and tolerance to salinity in olive trees under nursery conditions. J Plant Physiol 166:1350–1359 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Poulsen KH, Nagy R, Gao LL, Smith...
The seedlings, obtained from a commercial nursery, were transplanted on May 5th 2015, two per pot, at the second true leaf stage into 9.5 L PVC pots, containing 1–2 mm grain-size perlite [Agrilit P2, Perlite Italiana, Corsico (MI), Italy]. Pots were placed on troughs 1.30...
Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) has a natural distribution across western Mediterranean regions and is a keystone forest tree species in these ecosystems. The fruiting phase is especially critical for its regeneration but the molecular mechanisms underlying
Nursery Zone 8b: 15°F to 20°F O'Brien Zone 7a: 0°F to 5°F O'Donnell Zone 7b: 5°F to 10°F Oak Cliff Place Zone 8b: 15°F to 20°F Oak Grove Zone 8a: 10°F to 15°F Oak Island Zone 9a: 20°F to 25°F Oak Leaf Zone 8a: 10°F to 15°F Oak Point Zone 7b...
Jeffersonia diphylla and Berberis thunbergii plants were purchased from Plant Delights Nursery (Raleigh, North Carolina; www.plantdelights.com) and Sunnyside Greenhouses (Calgary, Alberta; www.sunnysidehomeandgarden.com), respectively. Chelidonium majus, Papaver bracteatum, Argemone mexicana, Eschscholt...
Arecaceae) seedlings, enhanced seedling quality, and reduced nursery time, reducing costs by 10%, and highlighting its economic efficiency [159]. The study by Oliveira et al. [158] found that the productivity gains from inoculation exceeded costs in most locations evaluated. Maize showed increased...