High Country Gardens Plants for the Western Garden and Beyond - Santa Fe NM. USA Hoodia Ranch - Canary Islands Jardin Naturel - Reunion Island Kakteengartnerei-A. Plapp - Bavaria Kakteen-Haage - Germany's oldest nursery (1822) Kambroo Plants - Haworthia, Gasteria, Stapeliads - Pretoria, Sout...
I picked up this single peony at an end-of-season nursery sale, and it didn’t have a tag. So if anyone recognizes it, I would love to know what its name is. Peony ‘Santa Fe’ Some are semi-double, with three to five layers of outer petals (called guard petals) around a center...
Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Centro de Estudios Fotosintéticos y Bioquímicos - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CEFOBI - CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina Mauricio J. Grisolia, Diego A. Peralta, Julieta Barch...
Jeffersonia diphylla and Berberis thunbergii plants were purchased from Plant Delights Nursery (Raleigh, North Carolina; www.plantdelights.com) and Sunnyside Greenhouses (Calgary, Alberta; www.sunnysidehomeandgarden.com), respectively. Chelidonium majus, Papaver bracteatum, Argemone mexicana, Eschscholt...
The seedlings, obtained from a commercial nursery, were transplanted on May 5th 2015, two per pot, at the second true leaf stage into 9.5 L PVC pots, containing 1–2 mm grain-size perlite [Agrilit P2, Perlite Italiana, Corsico (MI), Italy]. Pots were placed on troughs 1.30...
Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) has a natural distribution across western Mediterranean regions and is a keystone forest tree species in these ecosystems. The fruiting phase is especially critical for its regeneration but the molecular mechanisms underlying
extraction, and export of micronutrients in the leaf and productivity of common beans were evaluated. The concentration of Cu, Fe, and Mn ranged from medium to high in soil. The available levels of B and Zn in the soil increased with the residual rates of CSS, which were statistically not...
The coastal zone, used as a nursery area for commercial species, is the habitat for several terrestrial and aquatic species; in addition, it is relevant for carbon sequestration and is a source of leaf litter, detritus, and organic matter for the mangrove-adjacent ecosystems [30]. Considering ...