It’s not by any fault of their own, however: One of the most popular (and non-native) milkweed species, Asclepias curassavica or tropical milkweed, is widely sold in nurseries. It’s also been found to do more harm than good. When grown in warm climates where the plants don’t di...
When it comes to autumn, chrysanthemums are ranking queens. One bloom is actually a composite of tiny florets within. You can find these lovely flowers at hundreds of nurseries, all of which have different heights, colors, and blooming times. Unless you buy a cold-hardy plant, you can cons...
There are three subspecies of inch plant (wandering Jew): Tradescantia zebrina var. zebrina, var. flocculosa, and var. mollipila. Unsurprisingly, after it having been a popular houseplant for so many years, nurseries have also managed to create a whole bunch of cultivars through selective cult...
Every year about now, nurseries mark plants down to clear out the stock they don't want to hold over through winter. Take advantage of this phenom! Here in the northwest, autumn has arrived. The welcome rain falls on the parched ground, and the plants embrace this needed moisture. Gardener...