Trusted Member of Oregon Association Nurseries Offering a Variety of Plant Materials Aurora Nursery specializes in growing high-quality trees, shrubs, wetland plants, and native grasses. Located in the heart of Oregon and Washington, we are proud to offer a wide range of plants tailored to your...
Oregon is ideally situated for providing exceptional plants with exceptional value. Our hundreds of nurseries are in close proximity so it is easy to stop by for a visit and to put together a load. Companies update their information throughout the year, to provide their current availability. ...
Saxifraga, Orostachy and Delosperma. We offer starts from our ever-evolving collection to the gardening public. Because we are small, we seldom have more than 10 or 20 of any items, so this site will not be helpful to wholesale nurseries. ...
Posted incommerce,plant nurseries,plant sales,pots and containers,succulents|3 Comments october already Posted onOctober 2, 2020byDenise Somehow, what the low angled light of October does to grasses always catches me by surprise. I caught this peripheral shimmer on the way to the office yesterday...
forest nurseries, growth, Pinopsida, seedlingsEnvironmental factors (such as light, moisture, nutrients, density, and temperature) and plant physiological factors (such as carbohydrate reserves, hormone levels, frost hardiness, and dormancy) interact to shape growth and surviv...
by Bria Lena Phillips | Gardens, Nurseries, Plants As always there was much to inspire at a recent and wet visit to Cistus. Entering this world-famous Oregon nursery that I am so lucky to have regular access to really does give me the overwhelming feeling of being a kid in a candy stor...
Posted ingarden travel,garden visit,Oregon garden,plant nurseries,Plant Portraits|13 Comments coastal PNW gardens late July Posted onAugust 5, 2022byDenise Driving north on Highway 101 now is a very different experience than just a few weeks ago. The roadside attractions are no longer mauve fox...
available for the home owner to plant are sold as “bare root” trees. Bare root trees take less storage space than container-grown trees, so for economic reasons nurseries offer them for sale more often than container-grown trees. Bare Root or Whips ...
Shop multiple independent nurseries in a single spot. Inspired garden plants, houseplants, and gifts for plant lovers
SMG Succulents - Specialising in hardy succulents - Oregon, USA Soekershof Walkabout - nursery, maze, botanic gardens - South Africa Southfield Nurseries - cacti & succulents - Lincolnshire, UK Starr Nursery - Agavaceae, Liliaceae, and Nolinaceae - USA Sticky Situation - Tucson, Arizona USA - ...