1.5.8 Battle with Caesar 1.5.9 Death1.6 War for the Planet of the Apes1.7 Legacy2 Physical Appearance3 Personality 3.1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3.2 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm 3.3 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes4...
依稀记得当年看排片表,《Rise of the Planet of the Apes》,poster做的太朴素不吸引人了。完全没看好,然而这部片子的时间是最合适的。结果,没想到就这样跳坑了。特效炸裂(这部片子的特效在当年简直让人惊艳不已),立意深远(人类和动物),幼年时的Caesar更是萌化了,超级可爱。群猿暴动逃离动物园镜头真是让人震撼。
How The Colonel Got The Virus In War For The Planet Of The Apes ByRobert Pitman Apr 25, 2024 Koba Nearly Returned In War For The Planet Of The Apes: Here's How ByPadraig Cotter Apr 24, 2024 Caesar's Death In War For The Planet Of The Apes & What It Means For The Franchise's ...
death. His audience is revealed to be a group of young humans and apes, the Lawgiver noting that their society still waits for a day when their world will no longer need weapons, while they "wait with hope". A closeup of a statue of Caesar shows a single tear falling from one eye....
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”) and others, he knew he’d have big shoes to fill. The first thing he thought about was the “musical legacy as well as the “giant music” associated with the scores. The film picks up 300 years after Caesar’s death, in...
“Battle for the Planet of the Apes” is the fifth and, merciful God, the last of the ape movies. It takes place long afterCharlton Hestonand evenJames Franciscushave faded from the scene; we have a new generation headed by Caesar (Roddy McDowall), who is the son of the original ape...
Planet of the Apes Omnibus 1(2017) Planet of the Apes Omnibus 2(2017) War for the Planet of the Apes: Revelations(2017) War for the Planet of the Apes(2017) Planet of the Apes Omnibus 3(2017) Caesar's Story(2018) Death of the Planet of the Apes(2018) ...
类人猿星球的黎明_2014_ 专长-比较凯撒和马尔科姆(Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes _2014_ Featurette - Comparing Caesar and Malcolm) 《为类人猿星球而战》预告片_2017_ | 遗产| MOVICECLIP拖车(War for the Planet of the Apes Trailer _2017_ | Legacy | Movieclips Trailers) ...
byapessubjected to the previous 112 variant, the new virus proved fatal to Franklin. Rodman became aware of Franklin's death, and attempted to halt the tests, but was rebuffed by Jacobs. Unknown to Rodman, Franklin had accidentally sneezed on airline pilotDouglas Hunsikerbefore dying, thus ...
Director Wes Ball’s “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” takes place 300 years after the death of Caesar (Andy Serkis) and the previous “Planet of Apes” trilogy, when humanity lost the wars and Apes ruled the world for generations. With the fourth installment, Ball wanted to push vi...