Burr, Ty
《Caesar Says ''No!'' - Prison Break - Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Movie Clip HD》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
类人猿星球的黎明_2014_ 专长-比较凯撒和马尔科姆(Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes _2014_ Featurette - Comparing Caesar and Malcolm) 《为类人猿星球而战》预告片_2017_ | 遗产| MOVICECLIP拖车(War for the Planet of the Apes Trailer _2017_ | Legacy | Movieclips Trailers) ...
预示着影片接下来会爆发更大的人猿矛盾和冲突。果不其然,时隔三年后,《Dawn of the Planet of the Apes》于14年暑期上映(这个系列也是和《变形金刚》杠上了,《变4》也是同一时期上映的)。导演和编剧都换了。影片画风立转。从当年温情又不失明快的基调变成了一部暗黑风的战争片(欧美人真心擅长且喜爱暗黑风。...
为类人猿星球而战| 特瑞公证人现场考察& 加布里埃尔·查瓦里亚(War for the Planet of the Apes | On-set visit with Terry Notary & Gabriel Chavarria) 超级英雄之死预告片#1 _2012_ 安迪·塞尔基斯电影高清(Death of a Superhero Official Trailer #1 _2012_ Andy Serkis Movie HD) 《为类人猿星球而战》...
Pre-vis for The Future Capturing Caesar - Script to Screen Studying the Genius of Andy Serkis Multi-Angle: Rocket Cookie Scene A New Generation of Apes Breaking Motion Capture Boundaries Breaking New Sound Barriers: The Music and Sound Design ofRise of the Planet of the Apes ...
the beloved series, many expected that the forthcoming chapter would tell the story of Caesar's son Cornelius. That would track given that the recent trilogy witnessed the entirety of protagonist Caesar's (Andy Serkis) life, ending with his death in 2017's War for the Planet of the Apes. ...
July 21, 2013 Jim Kiernan Andy Serkis, Caesar, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, James Franco, Jason Clarke, John Lithgow, Keri Russell, Matt Reeves, Performance capture, Planet of the Apes, Tim Burton 0 We have our first look at the older, angrier and battle-ready Caesar from the upcom...
EXCLUSIVE: Andy Serkis on 'War for the Planet of the Apes' Oscar Buzz, Talks 'Affection' for Caesar 7:43 PM PDT, Sun Jul 22, 2017 ET caught up with the actor at Comic-Con, where he opened up about filming his final scene as Caesar, the chimpanzee...
See 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' and the Weaponization of Caesar's production, company, and contact information. Explore 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' and the Weaponization of Caesar's box office performance, follow development, and track po