PL/SQL Code: DECLARETYPEv_empISREFCURSORRETURNemployees%ROWTYPE;v_emp_refv_emp;emp_recemployees%ROWTYPE;PROCEDUREReturn_Dept_Row(v_empINOUTSYS_REFCURSOR)ISBEGINOPENv_empFORSELECT*FROMdepartments;ENDReturn_Dept_Row;BEGINReturn_Dept_Row(v_emp_ref);LOOPFETCHv_emp_refINTOemp_rec;EXITWHENv_emp_ref...
Cursor expressions (sometimes known as cursor subqueries) are an element of the SQL language and pre-Oracle9i were supported in SQL and by certain programming environments but not by PL/SQL. Oracle9i introduced PL/SQL support for cursor expressions. For example, a cursor expression can be used ...
原因之一:查看在输出的字符串拼接中是否使用了(+),ORACLE中的字符拼接是(||),当然大家还可以使用CONCAT(),但是要注意使用CONCAT()函数最多只能拼接两个参数的字符 Example-Code: declare v_empno number(10); v_ename varchar2(50); v_job varchar2(50); cursor c_emp is select empno, ename, job from...
PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, rather than being one of several options inthe PLSQL_COMPILER_FLAGS parameter, which is now deprecated.The spnc_commands file, located in the ORACLE_HOME/plsqldirectory, contains the commands and options
Remember we encountered this at the very beginning of our acquaintance with the PL/SQL bug, way back in Example 3-1? Here in Figure 4-4, you see the code extracting the error detail at the time it occurs. This is a very powerful addition to the PL/SQL toolbox. Using this SQLCODE ...
Click the SQL Commands icon to display the SQL Commands page. On the SQL Commands page, enter the PL/SQL code in Example 4-1. Note that some of the lines of code are terminated with a semi colon (;) and the entire code unit is terminated with a slash (/). The slash is required...
5Example 6类似语言 基本概念 是Oracle对标准数据库语言SQL的过程化扩充,它将数据库技术和过程化程序设计语言联系起来,是一种应用开发语言,可使用循环,分支处理数据,将SQL的数据操纵功能与过程化语言数据处理功能结合起来.PL/SQL的使用,使SQL成为一种高级程序设计语言,支持高级语言的块操作,条件判断,循环语句,嵌套等,...
最近一直在修改以前同事写的Oracle存储过程,由于编码不规范,修改起来相当费神,于是乎,翻译了这篇 PL/SQL Formatting Guide (Oracle PL/ SQL by Example,Appendix A),费了九牛二虎之力,终于翻译完了,也终于知道自己的英语有多烂了,呜呜。声明
Oracle PLSQL by Example Introduction Oracle PL/SQL is a procedural language used to create applications within an Oracle database. It is a popular programming language among database developers due to its wide range of features and capabilities. This article will provide an overview of Oracle PL...
You can send e-mail from a PL/SQL program or stored procedure using theUTL_SMTPpackage. You can find details about this package in thePL/SQL Packages and Types Reference. The following code example illustrates how the SMTP package might be used by an application to send email. The applicati...