Start Oracle Cryptographic Toolkit operation. dbms_output.put_line(`> Initialize');dbms_crypto_toolkit.Initialize;initialized := TRUE; Open a wallet at the default location. dbms_output.put_line(`> OpenWallet');dbms_crypto_toolkit.OpenWallet(`server1', wallet, persona_list, `default:');wallet... This archive contains code to create several PL/SQL programs and to use the PL/SQL hierarchical performance profiler to record the execution of each. It also contains the profiler output for each run, prepared as a set of mutually cross-referencing HTML files. Th...
STREET_ADDRESS_sdogeom.SDO_X1,STREET_ADDRESS_sdogeom.SDO_Y1FROM (SELECT DISTINCT gid_a gid1FROM (SELECT /*+ index (a NAME_OF_SDO_CODE_INDEX)index (b NAME_OF_SDO_CODE_INDEX)use_nl (a b) */a.sdo_gid gid_a,b.sdo_gid gid
loopfetchl_cintol_res1,l_res2;exitwhenl_c%notfound;--Exit the loop if there is nothing to fetch.EXECUTEIMMEDIATE'delete from'||l_res1||'where'||l_res2||'NOT IN (SELECT GUID FROM STAGING_STATE WHERE LOCATION_CODE IN (SELECT LOC_TABLE_ENTRY_KY FROM STAGING_LC))';--process fetche...
Database Database EE PL/SQL IMDB Toolkit for SAP NetWeaver Secure Enterprise Search Semantic Technologies Spatial TimesTen In-Memory Database Using JavaScript and Python with Database EE Sample Code
Code You can either create a temporary table to keep the result set in order to use your initial set of records in the next steps of your process. Or you can just use the above transact sql query to supply your records set to feed thet-sql cursorexample we will create. ...
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The call stack identifies the code path within the program that resulted in the allocation request. VMMap assigns a Call Site ID number to each unique call stack that is captured. The first call stack is assigned ID 1, the second unique stack is assigned ID 2, and so forth. If the...
Go to thelatest (or appropriate) release of the sample schemasand download theSource code (zip)file. Extract the downloaded .zip file. Inside the sample schemas main directory, navigate to the sample schema directory that you want to install and run the<schema_name>_install.sqlscript. (For ...