Package Summary com.huawei.hms.donation Overview DataDonationClient DataDonationParams com.huawei.hms.jos.extensions Overview JosAppExtensions 错误码 REST 联运应用 数据捐赠 数据撤回 教育中心 EdukitSDK Python Package Pkg 云开发(Serverless) 认证服务 Android com.huawei.agconnect...
英文缩写 PKG 英文缩写PKG 英文全称package 中文解释一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 缩写简介 海关用语 PKG意思,PKG的意思,PKG是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于PKG的解释和缩写,一包,一捆,一扎,一件等的英文缩写是什么
For those using Vercel, this means that there is no requirement to use pkg in your projects as the benefits it provides are not applicable to the platform.This command line interface enables you to package your Node.js project into an executable that can be run even on devices without Node...
Pkg Development repository for Julia's package manager, shipped with Julia v1.0 and above. DocumentationBuild Status Using the development version of Pkg.jl If you want to develop this package do the following steps: Make a fork and then clone the repo locally on your computer ...
PKG will create your package design to engage consumers and build your brand with our strategic team of brand storytellers and Consumer First process.
jpackage是Java 16中引入的工具,用于将Java应用程序打包成可执行文件,以便在不同的操作系统上进行分发和安装。jpackage工具提供了许多选项和参数来自定义打包过程和生成的安装程序。 pkg是jpackage工具的一个选项,用于指定要打包的Java应用程序所在的目录或JAR文件。
PKGM/4/PKGM_PACKAGE_VERSION_DOWNGRADE: The software version is downgraded. (PreviousPackage=[PreviousPackage],PreviousVersion=[PreviousVersion],CurrentPackage=[CurrentPackage],CurrentVersion=[CurrentVersion]) Description The software version of the device is downgraded. Parameters Parameter NameParameter ...
PKGM/4/PKGM_PACKAGE_VERSION_DOWNGRADE: The software version is downgraded. (PreviousPackage=[PreviousPackage],PreviousVersion=[PreviousVersion],CurrentPackage=[CurrentPackage],CurrentVersion=[CurrentVersion]) Description The software version of the device is downgraded. Parameters Parameter NameParameter ...
centos的pkg文件怎么安装 centos package SPDK在CentOS7上制作rpm包 *开发环境 1.下载所需的软件包 2.编译和安装DPDK的rpm包 准备DPDK编译依赖包 制作DPDK的rpm 安装DPDK-20.11 添加dpdk依赖目录 3.制作SPDK的rpm包 准备spdk的源码文件 修改spdk的spec文件...
Package PKG with IntuneAppUtil question Hi:I am deploying our antivirus Cylance agent to our Mac devices, I had cylance install .pkg file download, and had IntuneAppUtil installed. I am looking for instruction how to package the parameters in to my .intuneMac file. There is ...