总感觉这个示例对应的title是[pkg],而不是[module]。 package打包起来的三个class,在module中使用import导入后,可以在module中使用这几个类。 lower、myunit两个类继承自uvm_component类,其中myunit中创建了lower对象l1、l2。在创建l1、l2时,new方法的第二个参数 指定了parent为this,即myunit。这样组成了基于uvm_...
UVM_INFO /home/Icer/nocc/noc-router/vips/hermes_pkg/src/hermes_agent.sv(39) ... system-verilog logfile uvm questasim benjstark 85 asked Jul 23, 2023 at 8:58 1 vote 1 answer 156 views set_inst_override_by_type() override fail I'm trying to get a object value from before/...
参数被放在一个包test_params_pkg中,并在实例化HDL顶层模块中的WISHBONE设备和testbench端的test类中使用。 // MAC WISHBONE parametersparametermacmwbid=0;// WISHBONE bus master id of MACparametermac_slave_wb_id=1;// WISHBONE bus slave id of MACendpackage 下面展示了在HDL top模块中使用参数mem_slave...
Target for scope resolutio operator does not "exist". Token 'reg_adpater' is not a class/package. Originating module "$unit". Check that class or package exists with referred toke as the same. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 错误原因:实例化的module名和原module 名一致。 错误代码: `reg_adpater = ...
26 UVM register predictor Main register predictor, should be disabled if auto_prediction is not set 27 Register Package Main PKG if included and flake8 is not active should behave similarly to uvm_reg_pkgInstallationYou can install pyuvm using pip. This will also install cocotb as a requirement...
I have used debug messages and info's and checked the paths they seem right but get is not able to retrieve them, i am shared the link of my effort thank you.I am providing the EDA play ground link package my_uvm_pkg; `include "uvm_macros.svh" ...
下面是UVM env的package文件示例。这个env包含两个agent(SPI和APB)和一个寄存器模型,它们作为sub-package导入。与env相关的类模板是被`include的: // Note that this code is contained in a file called spi_env_pkg.sv // // In Questa it would be compiled using: // vlog +incdir+$UVM_HOME/src+<...
`uvm_warning("COMPARE","t2 is not equal t1") end else begin `uvm_info("COMPARE","t2 is equal t1",UVM_LOW) end #1us; phase.drop_objection(this); endtask endclass endpackage module object_methods; import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh" ...
# -- Compiling package uvm_pkg# # Top level modules:# tb_capture_1 But when I load the "tb_capture_1", error happens: vsim work.tb_capture_1# vsim work.tb_capture_1 # Start time: 16:32:57 on Jun 10,2021# ** Fatal: (vsim-7019) Can't locate a C/C++ compil...
my_test_pkg__SV`include"my_intf.sv"packagemy_test_pkg;importuvm_pkg::*;`include"uvm_macros.svh"`include"my_env_list.incl"`include"my_seq_list.incl"//`include "my_vseq_list.incl"`include"my_callbacks.sv"`include"my_base_test.svh"endpackage: my_test_pkg`endif// my_test_pkg__SV...