H2PO4–7.21*77 AgOH 3.964 HPO4_12.32*77 Al(OH)311.228 H3PO3 2.028 As(OH)39.2228 H2PO3– 6.58*77 H3AsO4 2.22, 7.0, 13.028 H4P2O7 1.52*77 H2AsO4– 6.98*77 H3 P2O7– 2.36*77 HAsO4*11.53*77 H2P2O7= 6.60*77 As2O304 H3AsO39.22* HP2O7=9.25*77 ...
What are examples of Bronsted-Lowry bases? What is the conjugate base of H2CO3? What are examples of Bronsted-Lowry acids? What is the conjugate acid of HN3? What role do conjugate acid-base pairs play ? What is the conjugate acid of CH_3NH_2?
(OH)3 H3AsO4 H2AsO4– HAsO 4 * As 2 O3 H3AsO3 H3BO3 H2B4O7 HB4O7 Be(OH) 2 HBr HOBr HOCl HClO2 HClO3 HClO4 (70%) CH3SO3H HCN H2CO3 HCO3 H2CrO4 HCrO4 HOCN HZ H2GeO3 Ge(OH)4 HI HOI HIO3 H4IO6– H5IO6 HMnO4 NH3OH* NH4* HN3 HNO2 HNO3 N2H5+ H2N2O2 H2N2O2– H2Os...
(Gaithersburg,MD:NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology,2001).‡TheaccuratewaytocalculateKbfortheconjugatebaseispKb 13.995 pKaand.§Seemarginalnoteonpage166fordistinctionbetweenpKaat 0andat 0.1M.Kb 10 pKbIonicstrength( ) 0 0.1M§NameStructure*pKa†Ka‡pKa†AceticacidCH3CO2H4.7561.75 10 54.56...
Given the pKa's of several polyprotic acids choose the strongest acid among the ions given below. H3PO4: pKa1 = 2.16, pKa2 = 7.19, pKa3 = 12.32. H3AsO4: pKa1 = 2.26, pKa2 = 6.77, pKa3 = 11.29. H2SO3: pKa1 = 1.77, pKa2 = 7.21. H2CO3: pKa1 = 6.37, pKa2 Rank the...
3 32.014.788.3 10 31.10 10 52.08(CO2H)4.96(NH3)NH3 CO2H2-Aminobenzoicacid(anthranilicacid)3.015.86 10 43.232 O3SNH3 4-Aminobenzenesulfonicacid(sulfanilicacid)4.642.51 10 54.601NH3 Aminobenzene(aniline)2.339.714.53 10 31.36 10 102.344(CO2H)9.868(NH3)CHCH3CO2HNH3 Alanineharxxxxx_App-G.qxd3/...