Any of a group of kinases that phosphorylate the amino acids serine, threonine, and tyrosine in certain proteins, that regulate essential aspects of cell growth and movement, and that can cause cancer and other diseases when dysfunctional.
The dissociation constant (pKa) of non – polar amino acids including (alanine, glycine, valine phenylalanine and tryptophan) were determined by potentiometric titration technique. The pKa values obtained by extrapolation for alanine, glycine, and valine were 10.29, 9.87 and 9.91 respectively. The ...
4. Clark.D.E.(2003).In silico prediction of bood-brain barrier permeation.Drug Discovery Tday.8.927-933. 5. Roda,A.,et al.(1996).Synthesis andphysicochemical, biological,and pharmacological properties of new bile acids amidated with cyclic amino acids.Journal of Medicinal Chemisry, 39.2270-...
1.CBMdisc09 (机标) 流 水 号:2008352316标 题:可忽略损耗液相微萃取法同时测定辛醇-水分配系数和电离常数英文标题:Simultaneous determination of Kow and pKa ...
4. Clark.D.E.(2003).In silico prediction of bood-brain barrier permeation.Drug Discovery Tday.8.927-933. 5. Roda,A.,et al.(1996).Synthesis andphysicochemical, biological,and pharmacological properties of new bile acids amidated with cyclic amino acids.Journal of Medicinal Chemisry, 39.2270-22...
4、 :1000-0720(2008)27:82.0.TX;1-J更新日期:200810302.CBMdisc06 流水号:2006214519分 类号:R313; R341.7; R977.4标 题:毛细管电泳电化学检测法同时测定三种氨基酸的电离常数英文标题:Determination of ionization constants of amino acids by capillary elec trophoresis with electrochemical detection著 者:冯海...
The study of the Explicit Solvation Shell Model (ESS) presented recently [da Silva, E. F.; Svendsen, H. F.; Merz, K. M. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 6404.] for calculation of solvation free energy of ions is extended for the study for amino acids. Solvation free energies and pK...
酸的电离常数 英文标题:Determination of ionization constants of amino acids by capillary 检测电离常数(pka)方法有 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:9 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:916581885 文件大小:2.33 MB 时间:2021-05-05...
5. Roda,A.,et al.(1996).Synthesis and physicochemical, biological,and pharmacological properties of new bile acids amidated with cyclic amino acids.Journal of Medicinal Chemisry, 39.2270-2276. 6. Chen,P.,et al.(2004).Imidazoquinoxaline Sre-family kinase p56LCK inhibitors: SAR,QSAR,and ...