cAMPPK/PD modellingPDE inhibitorsInflammationBiomarkerIn recent years, phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors have been frequently tested for the treatment of experimental inflammatory and immune disorders. It is suggested that anti-inflammatory properties of PDE inhibitors are related to their ability to ...
Studies on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agent Sotalol in Normal Man After intravenous injection, sotalol follows a two-compartment distribution pattern. The processes of distribution and elimination are of first order; the intravenous biological half-life is 6 ...
As described in a Letter to the Editor, published in Anesthesiology, Anesthesia & Analgesia, and the European Journal of Anaesthesiology, an analytical propofol assay inaccuracy was discovered after all six initial studies on the PK/PD and tolerability of fospropofol had been published. This assay ...
The antiviral potential of this type of protease inhibitor against IAVs or SARS-CoV-2 has been demonstrated in previous studies. In Calu-3 cells, a human respiratory epithelial cell line often used to investigate respiratory infections, compound MI-432 exhibited notable efficacy in inhibiting the ...
Creative Diagnostics Launches Anti-MMAE Antibodies for PK/PD Studies on MMAE-ADC, Creative Diagnostics introduces a serial of Anti-MMAE antibodies with high affinity and specificity.
OBSERVATION ID (formerly YTYPE): identifier for the observation type (to distinguish different types of observations, e.g PK and PD) CENSORING (formerly CENS): marks censored data, below the lower limit or above the upper limit of quantification LIMIT: upper or lower boundary for the censoring...
PK-PD modeling was performed using both parametric and nonparametric approaches.Results: Nonlinear PK over the dose range was ruled out. Using parametric analysis, the Ke0and EC50values were 0.0756 vs 0.1437 min-1 (p<0.001) and 293 vs 219 ng/ml (p=0.003) for the high and low doses, ...
PK/PD models in antibacterial development:Velkov, T. et al.; Curr Opin Microbiol . 2013, 16(5) [open access] Hollow-fiber pharmacodynamics studies and mathematical modeling to predict the efficacy of amoxicillin for anthrax postexposure prophylaxis in pregnant women and children.Louie, A et al....
不同PI策略对美罗培南肺内PK/PD的影响 ■重症HAP患者肺局部PK/PD监测 重症患者体内药物代谢变化各异,临床医生常常有这样的体会,即便分离出同⼀种病原体且对于同一种抗菌药物的MIC指标相同,随着感染部位的变化,治疗效果也存在差异。单纯使用循环中PK/PD作为...
NIH 2017R01 GM MALDI-MS Imaging of Cells Exposed to 3D-Printed Fluidic Devices for PK/PD StudiesHummon, Amanda B. / University of Notre Dame $266,844 NIH 2016R01 GM MALDI-MS Imaging of Cells Exposed to 3D-Printed Fluidic Devices for PK/PD StudiesHummon, Amanda B. / University of Notr...