This is the part where you need your images to be stretched. If you still want to combine your channels in the linear phase, you will need to work with stretched copies from now on. I’ll start with an example of a dynamic factor I’ve made for a custom bicolor combination :The ...
CombineHaWithRGB: After subtracting the Ha you can use this script to combine it with the RGB image. You can reduce the noise by adjusting the black point of your Ha image and you can decide how much H-Beta (blue or together with Ha magenta) the final image should contain. The script...
Simply put, on the internet there are many different processing workflows which all differ, so i want to see if there are any common themes that would allow me to take all of the best bits and combine them into a super workflow as it were. Please keep it high level and in a numbered...
Short answer: yes. You combine the Ha and your red channels. You can do this with pixel math using an expression like (R*0.9) + (Ha*0.1) to get a 10% blend. Of course, there's also the easy method... PI has a script called NBRGBCombination. Check it out Edited by ...
We now run StarAlignment on the 15-second exposures that came out directly from WBPP without aligning to the comet. This will align the stars. Then, we integrate the three small sets and combine an RGB image in ChannelCombination. As a result, we now have a third master, which is a ...
We should now have a bunch of calibrated flat frames that we need to combine into a master flat. Bring the ImageIntegration tool back up and select all your calibrated flat frames. We are going to use very different settings from what we used for the dark and bias master frames. First,...
Now for the RGB data – fingers crossed it works so well ! Regards, Kit trappedpMarch 26, 2016 Thanks Kit! I’m glad this helped work through the problems you were having with your mosaic. It’s a nice surprise when you go back to older data you thought was bad in some way and ...
As mentioned above, the simplest way to use HDR is to stack each set of subs of the same exposure, then combine. But it would actually be better to combine them all at once - you could use more powerful pixel rejection software. This however would require changing algorithms like linear ...
If you process each channel seperately and combine only at the end then the RGB channels will manifest "pure" structures of SHO mapping. #10 Jon Rista ISS Posts:26,034 Joined:10 Jan 2014 Loc:Colorado Posted03 February 2022 - 11:52 PM ...
Probably the "least worst" solution is to split all the raw inputs (including the raw calibation subs) into separate mono R, G, B channels, and process as three separate mono sequences, then RGB combine. fredvanner Well-known member Dec 8, 2024 #17 ... however, if the OP still...