Create Syn..Create Synthetic Luminance(Extract L from RGB)问题:只拍了Hα、R、G、B,没用拍L解决办法:从RGB合成一个L前提:R、G、B三个已经做过StarAlig
Also, while we are on the subject, say I want to add Halpha data to my OSC image. After splitting into RGB, do I add the Halpha to the RED channel? And if so, how and by what means? Many thanks Johnny!!! The recommended way to create the synthetic luminance is to us...
3. In EZ Suite provide it with a Star Mask rather than trying to autogenerate it with StarNet++. You could use the Star Alignment process to create a mask, for example, or you could use the command line version of StarNet which works as a standalone on the Mac. The EZ Suite is a...
Now you can select one of these previews and you can adjust the image contrast, the sharpness and other things to make your image look more brilliant. Switch between different previews to see your changes. Behind the scenes the script will extract the luminance from your image and will add ...
etc. On rare occasions I’ve noticed a little color separation between a color filter image and my luminance data on some stars that was fixed when Distortion correction was enabled. Theoretically, it could improve the star sizes as well since the stars should overlap more precisely but I have...
With all channels delinearized I then use LRGBCombination with my processed (synthetic or H) luminance layer to create the color image. Weighting on H needs to be interatively adjusted. Values between 0.7 and 0.9 usually give me the best results for further color tweaking. I do not remove...
b) PIxMath to add G+B=OIII c) PixMath combine Ha+OIII mixing ((Ha*.05)+(OIII*~.01)) to HOO 0.2 RGB/SHO:(Create Synthetic Luminance with "ImageIntegration" function) a) Run DynamicBackgroundExtraction seperately on SHO, RGB images because combine. ...