YUV420P :kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar = 'y420', kCVPixelFormatType_{长度|序列}{颜色空间}{Planar|BiPlanar}{VideoRange|FullRange} 从这里类型可以看出,YUV格式和RGB格式都是可以创建成CVPixelBuffer; 那么拿到CVPixelBufferRef后,如果要显示的话, 我们可以通过CVPixelBufferRef转成UIImage,或者通过绘制...
defer{CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer,.readOnly)} 03、ARKit中通过ARFrame获取的CVPixelBuffer为YUV420格式,YUV420格式Y通道(Luminance)与UV通道(Chrominance)分开储存数据,可通过下面语句获取地址 letlumaBaseAddress=CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0)letchromaBaseAddress=CVPixelBufferGetBaseAd...
I using janus-pp-rec to convert mjr file to webm file after build janus. The rec-sample-audio.mjr file can be converted to opus. But tried video file, error 'Specified pixel format yuv420p is invalid or not supported' occurred. After reb...
抱歉,我的回答有误。确实,-pixel_format gray 并不是 ffplay 的有效选项。要使用 ffplay 按照灰度图显示,请先将灰度图转换为普通的彩色图像格式(如YUV420p),然后再播放。可以使用以下命令将灰度图像转换
在YUV 420 压缩模式中 kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey的几个选项的详解 色彩格式 (YUV 4:2:0) 概述 YUV 4:2:0 是一种常见的视频压缩格式,用来有效减少带宽需求: Y (Luma):亮度信息,包含图像的光亮度。 U (Cb) 和 V (Cr):色度信息,包含色彩差异。
YUV420P :kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar = 'y420', kCVPixelFormatType_{长度|序列}{颜色空间}{Planar|BiPlanar}{VideoRange|FullRange} 从这里类型可以看出,YUV格式和RGB格式都是可以创建成CVPixelBuffer; 那么拿到CVPixelBufferRef后,如果要显示的话, 我们可以通过CVPixelBufferRef转成UIImage,或者通过绘制...
Hi, I am trying to transcode a H264 video from default/YUV420P format to NV12 pixel format. I tried running the sample multi transcode as below.
.O... = Supported Output format for conversion ..H.. = Hardware accelerated format ...P. = Paletted format ...B = Bitstream format FLAGS NAME NB_COMPONENTS BITS_PER_PIXEL --- IO... yuv420p 3 12 IO... yuyv422 3 16 IO..
根据说法deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P and setting color_range,AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P取代AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P和设置颜色空间 int format; /** * - video: the pixel format, the value corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat. * - audio: the sample format, the value corresponds to enum AV...