Since the characteristics of Pitta include sharpness, heat, and acidity, qualities that are opposite to these in diet and lifestyle help restore balance to Pitta dosha. 1. If you need to balance Pitta, choose ghee, in moderate quantities, as your cooking medium. Ghee, according to the ancien...
Yoga Postures to Cool & Soothe Pitta DoshaThe yoga poses below are meant for balancing pitta. The last thing you want to do is increase heat. Instead, you want your body to reduce stress through the calm, cooling effects of poses which help you release heat. Any Pitta will benefit ...
More systematically designed studies may provide data on Prakriti determinants like diet, season, nutritional status, and Dosha status of infants. The role of Prakriti may be useful as a guiding principle for healthy progeny, and also to prevent many diseases, which may have fetal or preconception...