IRQC:引脚中断配置,配置中断状态标志位(ISF)置位的条件:IRQC = 0b0000 -> 中断关闭;IRQC = 0b0001 -> 上升沿触发,产生DMA请求;IRQC = 0b0010 -> 下升沿触发,产生DMA请求;IRQC = 0b0011 -> 上升沿或下降沿触发,产生DMA请求;IRQC = 0b1000 -> 低电平触发,产生CPU中断请求;IRQC = 0b1001 ...
void User_Button_IRQ_ISR(void){uint32_t Port_IntFlag = 0;/* read the PORT interrupt flags*/Port_IntFlag = PINS_DRV_GetPortIntFlag(PORTA);if(Port_IntFlag & (1<<3)){/**the PTA3 PIN IRQ interrupt happaned,*add corresponding user handle code here*//* clean the PTA3 interrupt flag ...
BGAs tend to require more layers for signal breakout than QFPs since only one or two traces can be routed between ball rows on any individual layer. A “dog-bone” pattern is required for each BGA package ball contact to the PCB board since a via in the center of the PCB contact pad...
3.3 GPIO IRQ中断控制RGB LED亮灭功能代码实现 总结 引言 GPIO--General Porpurse Input Output,通用输入输出端口是嵌入式MCU对外进行信息交换实现人机交互(HMI)的重要模块,MCU片内各种功能外设模块的功能实现也大多需要配置GPIO才能实现---比如将某一GPIO引脚配置为定时器模块的输入捕捉通道(IC)或者输出比较(OC)通道...
Pins selected in your configuration are routed by default, so not code needed to confire them. Try to add FTM0, channel 0 and you should see the code: void BOARD_InitPins(void) { /* pin 22 is configured as FTM0_CH0 */ PORT_SetPinSelect(kPORT_FTM0CH0, kPORT_FTM...
Note that flashlamp power is no longer routed through this board. The orange wire connects to two flash lamps wired in series which are then connected directly to flashlamp power. The two black wires are ground. The gray-blue wire is the path to ground via a drive transistor....
5.1.1 Input enable In this case, once the input is enabled, the signal is routed to three inputs: EIRQ[0], GPIO, and the ETC[0]. For each of these modules, the signal can be used or ignored, based on the programming of the modules that have this input routed to it. If the ...