必应词典为您提供pilot-scale-test的释义,un. 小规模试验;
(1995). "Pilot-scale test for electron beam purification of flue gas from coal- combustion." Radiat.Phys. Chem., 46, pp.1103-1106.Hideki N,Okihiro T,Shoji H,et al.Pilot scale test for electron beam purification of flue gas from coal-combustion boiler.RadiationPhysics and Chemistry. 1995...
英['paɪlətsk'eɪl] 美['paɪlətsk'eɪl] 释义 [化] 中间工厂规模 实用场景例句 全部 The pilot - scale test results of producing Boric acid and manganese carbonate from B - Mn ore are elucidated. 阐述了由硼锰矿生产硼酸和碳酸锰的半工业试验结果. ...
Pilot-scale test for a phos- phate treatment using sulfate-coated zeolite at a sewage dis- posal faeility[J]. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2014, 225 (2).1-3.Choi J, Kwon K, Lee S, An B, Hong S, Lee S (2014) Pilot-scale test for a phosphate treatment using sulfate-coated ...
Pilotscaletestofproducingnickelconcentratefromlow—gradesaprolitic lateritebydirectreduction—magneticseparation ZHENGGuo—lin(郑国林),ZHUDe.qing(朱德庆),PANJian(潘建),LIQi.hou(~ 厚), ANYue.ming(安月明)。,ZHUJinghe(朱景和)。,LIUZhi.hong(刘志宏) 1.SchoolofMineralsProcessingandBioengineering,CentralSouth...
Comment: Pilot-Scale Test for a Phosphate Treatment Using Sulfate-Coated Zeolite at a Sewage Disposal Facility by Jae-Woo Choi, Kyu-Sang Kwon, Soonjae Lee,... The article, Pilot-Scale Test for a Phosphate Treatment Using Sulfate-Coated Zeolite at a Sewage Disposal Facility by Jae-Woo Choi,...
In this paper,pilot-scale test of biological contact oxidation process for simulated ship sewage treatment was carried out.The results showed that under the condition of HRT=3.5 h,T=25~30 ℃,pH=6.8±0.5,and the average concentrations of COD Cr,BOD 5,SS and NH + 4-N in the influent wer...
pilot-scale 英['paɪlətsk'eɪl] 美['paɪlətsk'eɪl][词典] [化] 中间工厂规模;[例句]In this paper, pilot-scale test of biological contact oxidation process for simulated ship sewage treatment was carried out.主要利用生物接触氧化工艺对...
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The long-term pilot-scale test also achieved a higher concentration factor compared to bench-scale experiments (usually with CF 2~3) reported by others18,21, demonstrating its promising prospect for dilute wastewater treatment and resource recovery. This pilot-scale test also confirms that the ...