The potential for a biological treatment can be examined at a low cost and within a minimum of time, often through parallel testing of different treatment methods. Once a suitable process configuration has been found, lab scale tests may well be used for optimizing the process and obtaining ...
1. The efficacy of a commercial competitive exclusion (CE) product, BROILACT®, was tested in pilot‐scale trials involving groups of 100 broiler chicks. 2. Each group was challenged with Salmonella infantis through contact with infected seeder birds and numbers of salmonellae in the caecal co...
Pilot‐scale testing of the competitive exclusion method in chickens 1. The efficacy of a commercial competitive exclusion (CE) product, BROILACT®, was tested in pilot‐scale trials involving groups of 100 broiler chicks... C Schneitz,L Nuotio,TK&E Nurmi - 《British Poultry Science》 ...
Pearce, Comparative seawater RO pretreatment evaluation using bench- and pilot-scale testing, J AWWA, 99 (2007) 168-181.Kumar, M., Adham, S., Decarolis, J. & Pearce, W., (2007), Comparative seawater RO pre- treatment evaluation using bench- and pilot-scale testing, Journal of the ...
Five silicon-based structural ceramic materials were exposed in a 220,000-W pilot-scale combustor for over 100 hours. The combustor fired an eastern bituminous Illinois No. 6 coal with a flame temperature near 1430{degrees}C. The ceramics were located in two sections of the furnace; some ...
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However, since it is neither prudent nor cost-effective to test all experimental adhesive materials at mill-scale, we have developed laboratory-scale (360 g pulp) and pilot-scale (112 kg pulp) protocols for testing adhesive performance in recycling environments. furthermore, since adhesive ...
Modeling Riverine Nutrient Transport to the Baltic Sea: A Large-scale Approach. We developed for the first time a catchment model simulating simultaneously the nutrient land-sea fluxes from all 105 major watersheds within the Baltic Se... Mörth,Carl-Magnus,Humborg,... - 《Ambio A Journal ...
During the pilot stage, testing the business model and the technical viability will improve confidence in delivering value. Focus on people. Companies that scale IoT enlist employees with an entrepreneurial bent and who embrace change. They help set a transformation’s pace and tone. Also required...
However, the thermal conductivity of porous ZIF-8 is low; it is difficult to perform a heating or cooling process in a large-diameter industrial-scale fixed bed column, let alone integrate heating with energy conservation. Hence, ZIFs have not been widely used for industrial gas separations ...