Thepilot-scalestudywascarriedout toresearchfeasibilityofshowerwatertreatment andreusebynovellowfoulingNFmembrane. 采用新型低污染纳滤膜进行了淋浴水回用的中试研究,考察了其用于淋浴水回用的可行性。 3. Pilot-scalestudyontreatmentofdomesticsewagefor12monthswasperformedinhybridanaerobicbaffledreactor...
This paper reports about a pilot-scale feasibility study of Advanced Treatment of Coking Wastewater with Biological Activated Carbon technology based on the better experimental data of laboratory scale test .The self-designed of the Biological Activated Carbon Aerated tower was based on the optimal ...
Pilot-scalestudyoninsituelectrokineticremovalofnitratefromgreenhousesoil You-JinLee,Jeong-HeeChoi,Hyun-GooLee,Tae-HyunHa,Jeong-HyoBae ∗ KoreaElectrotechnologyResearchInstitute,Changwon640-120,RepublicofKorea articleinfo Keywords: Electrokinetic(EK)technology ...
A pilot-scale study of the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater was carried out using the combined process of anaerobic(hydrolysis)-aerobic-advanced treatment.The result of the experiment,which was operated stably for 70 days,are as follows: by varying and changing the printing and dyeing ...
A pilot-scale study on the oxidation of ventilation air methane (VAM) using ilmeniteVentilation air methane (VAM) is a dilute stream of methane expelled... P Tremain,A Maddocks,B Moghtaderi - Asia-pacific Conference on Combustion: Sydney 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 Enrichment of ventilation air ...
Pilot-scale study on the specific resistance of beech wood dust in a pulse-jet filter 2020, Sustainability (Switzerland) The Dust Separation Efficiency of Filter Bags Used in the Wood‐Based Panels Furniture Factory 2022, Materials Article performance of filter bags used in industrial pulse-jet bag...
Pilot‐scale study of in situ steam extraction for the recovery of dense nonaqueous phase liquids from the vadose zoneCAULIFLOWERSPINACHPARSLEYIRRIGATIONLEADCADMIUMGROWTHUPTAKEUPTAKE DISTRIBUTIONSEWAGE WATERAn environmental audit of a manufacturing site in eastern Pennsylvania revealed the presence of dense ...
Insights into heap bioleaching of low grade chalcopyrite ores -- A pilot scale study. Hydrometallurgy. 2012; 125-126, 157-165.PANDA, S.; SANJAY, K.; SUKLA, L. B.; PRADHAN, N.; SUBBAIAH, T. MISHRA, B. K.; PRASAD, M. S. R.; RAY, S. K.; Insights into heap bioleaching of ...
Pilot-Scale Study on Composite Fluidization Mode in Semidry FGD with Circulating Fluidized Beds 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 39 作者:XW Hao,CY Ma,HL Ma 摘要: Difficulties such as deviation of flow field, ununiformity of axial velocity and temperature often appeared in semidry FGD with...
Pilot-scale experiments were continuously carried out for more than 9 months to study the excess biomass reduction effect using a biophase-separation bioreactor, which was designed based on food-chain theory. By separating the biophase in the wastewater treatment system, bacteria, protozoa, and meta...