Thepilot-scalestudywascarriedout toresearchfeasibilityofshowerwatertreatment andreusebynovellowfoulingNFmembrane. 采用新型低污染纳滤膜进行了淋浴水回用的中试研究,考察了其用于淋浴水回用的可行性。 3. Pilot-scalestudyontreatmentofdomesticsewagefor12monthswasperformedinhybridanaerobicbaffledreactor...
KOSCHITZKY, H.-P., THEURER, T., SCHMIDT, R., WINKLER, A., FARBER, A. (2000): Pilot-scale study of steam injection for thermal in-situ remediation of the unsaturated zone below a hazardous waste site, Proc. of ConSoil 2000, Leipzig, Germany, September 18-20, 2000, pp.989 - 997...
Pilot-scalestudyoninsituelectrokineticremovalofnitratefromgreenhousesoil You-JinLee,Jeong-HeeChoi,Hyun-GooLee,Tae-HyunHa,Jeong-HyoBae ∗ KoreaElectrotechnologyResearchInstitute,Changwon640-120,RepublicofKorea articleinfo Keywords: Electrokinetic(EK)technology ...
A pilot-scale study on the oxidation of ventilation air methane (VAM) using ilmeniteVentilation air methane (VAM) is a dilute stream of methane expelled... P Tremain,A Maddocks,B Moghtaderi - Asia-pacific Conference on Combustion: Sydney 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 Enrichment of ventilation air ...
Pilot-Scale Study on Composite Fluidization Mode in Semidry FGD with Circulating Fluidized Beds 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 39 作者:XW Hao,CY Ma,HL Ma 摘要: Difficulties such as deviation of flow field, ununiformity of axial velocity and temperature often appeared in semidry FGD with...
Pilot-scale study on the specific resistance of beech wood dust in a pulse-jet filter 2020, Sustainability (Switzerland) The Dust Separation Efficiency of Filter Bags Used in the Wood‐Based Panels Furniture Factory 2022, Materials Article performance of filter bags used in industrial pulse-jet bag...
Pilot‐scale study of in situ steam extraction for the recovery of dense nonaqueous phase liquids from the vadose zoneCAULIFLOWERSPINACHPARSLEYIRRIGATIONLEADCADMIUMGROWTHUPTAKEUPTAKE DISTRIBUTIONSEWAGE WATERAn environmental audit of a manufacturing site in eastern Pennsylvania revealed the presence of dense ...
Pilot-scale experiments were continuously carried out for more than 9 months to study the excess biomass reduction effect using a biophase-separation bioreactor, which was designed based on food-chain theory. By separating the biophase in the wastewater treatment system, bacteria, protozoa, and meta...
The aim of this study was to characterize the efficiency of an intensified process of vertical flow constructed wetland having the following particularities: (i) biological pretreatment by trickling filter, (ii) FeCl3 injection for dissolved phosphorus removal and (iii) succession of different levels ...
美 英 un.小规模试验 英汉 un. 1. 小规模试验